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Bone Tomahawk - re:View

Jay and Jim talk about S. Craig Zahler's Bone Tomahawk! Everyone in the world loved this movie! Except for one guy who was split.



Did anyone else get a little queasy during “that scene”?


Dragged across concrete > Brawl in cell block 99 > Bone tomahawk

Robert Daniel Pickard

Zahn McClarnon , the Professor, is fantastic in Fargo.


This falls into the category of 'good movies I never want to see again'. Like Reservoir Dogs. Excuse me, I'm about to watch a detailed analysis of all the scenes that made me sick, for some reason.

Marvin Falz

Someone estimated that about 139,200 movies were made in 174 countries between 1894 and 2012*. Each and every movie is unique, and I'd argue that everyone of them is - to an extent - unpredictable. And then there are movies like Bone Tomahawk, which completely surprise you in the direction they take. *https://babelniche.com/2013/06/29/where-are-movies-made/


I met him in LA a few months ago - super cool, humble guy. I'm looking forward to seeing him in Doctor Sleep.


I watched this film after you guys mentioned it in passing in a HITB video, and I loved every minute of it. I also enjoyed Brawl in Cell Block 99.

Manuel Johnen

Bonus points for mentioning Realmbuilder, which are great... unfortunately, Zahler's too busy directing terrible movies to make another album, it seems... :/


I wonder if he gets another crack at it, makes good movies but they are always huge financial failures.

sean smith

So awesome, I love Re:views. Some of my favorite movies get reviewed.


I haven't seen it, and I need to see it now. Kurt Russell is always enjoyable.


Another sound that should be retired.... anytime any show or movie has a cat, it uses that sound that any cat owner knows is the sound of a cat fighting another cat, but they use it for literally everything relating to a cat. A cat doesn't snarl when it jumps or has something thrown at it.. Lazy foley.


Ohhh yes! The whole film has such an unsettling atmosphere anyway, but then that 3rd act happens... Made me sick tbh - liked the movie nevertheless/therefore. One could say I´m split.


The closest I can think of for cowboys and cannibals in films for Jim, though it doesn't fit exactly, is The Burrowers from 2008

Manuel Johnen

That's a better one than "Bone Tomahawk", too... but I'd still take "Ravenous" over both of them...


What about the police radio sound? You know, THAT one. Something something North Avenue in a woman's voice.

George L

Is it still worth watching this film if you already know the big twists and shocks going into it?


I’d say so as the dialogue is really great and unconventional. The pace is a really slow burn, too, but it never felt boring.

Manuel Johnen

It felt VERY boring... :/

Manuel Johnen

There is some nice gore in it, though... but still, you should start at the begining, with those early 80s Italian cannibal movies...


I loved this movie. Great slow burn in to madness. Thanks for recommending it.


Hey that's right. They talk about it in the Re:View. You know I love horror, but I never got around to watching the Italian cannibal subgenre because of the animal killing. Cannibal Holocaust being the most well known of these films, I imagine. Props to people who can sit through films like that or A Serbian film. I just don't want to put myself through that.


Love reviews like this... so I can get the gist and not have to sick through a video that'll make me barf. :-)

Lauren R

I'm quite late here as I wanted to watch the movie before I watched Jay and Jim talk about it. However this is the 2nd David Arquette western/horror I've seen this summer. The other being "Ravenous", which I think would be an excellent double feature to Bone Tomahawk. (Also you guys should talk about it some time).


I want to see it, but I've already seen "that scene", and it's so uncomfortable that... I don't know that I'm going to see it.