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Best of the Worst: Plinketto #8

OMG it's another Plinketto! This time, Mike and Jay and the gang are joined by their very special celebrity guest star, Rich Evans! What horrors await???


Rick Drake

Another gimmick? You hacks!


Patton Oswalt? Space Cop 2 confirmed!


Patton won me over with his bit role in Balls of Fury - he's made me laugh in everything I've seen him in since. This should be good! :)


Yay I can watch this when I get off work.


I love Rich Evans. Also--in the spirit of Patton--there's a typo in your Game of Survival title card.


Selling out one video at a time :)


It's difficult to find an actor that looks as high as Rich Evans, but Patton really pulled through for you guys.


Mike almost went a full episode without insulting Rich.

Zachary Marsh

Such a fun episode. I gotta ask, though: did you guys destroy Ratatoing?


But, Deathstalker III: Deathstalker and the Warriors from Hell though.

Lauren R

Dear god I hope someone makes a gif of Jay and Mike stuck in a freeze frame during Patton’s rant. Yes, I said a gif.

Jillian Jackson

"ya know my favorite movie? Jaw." Haha I really hope they have Patton on again!!


Patton Fuckin’ Oswalt?!?! This is the Best Day of my Life!!!


I bet Celebrity Guest Rich Evans had to build his own Celebrity Guest Doorway.


It will be celebrated ... after work!

Marvin Falz

I never felt so disillusioned while watching a BotW. What am I doing with MY life! It's like those "minutes before an execution" have become hours. "FUTURE FORCE!" Anyway, I like the unimportance of Darth Vader in this one, and how the thumbnail hints to something more interesting than the Plinketto Door, something outside of the frame. My mind demands a mystery, therefore it says that "something more interesting" will never be revealed.


Very cool!


Exceeded expectations, and an Antonioni reference from Patton...?! Next level stuff.


I fucking lost it when the dude in the window said "Hey man he's still alive"


People think watching three terrible movies/tapes every week is easy but Patton's mind was totally fried 15 minutes in. It's not as easy as the RLM guys make it look. Also, Jay bought a Hawaiian shirt from Hawaii.


*screams* Its Rich Evans! Sign my moobs!! =D

Kendel Fargo

An oasis of happiness, amid a field of endless smiles! I think I’ll stay awhile🎅🏿👍.


awesome video guys... my mind was blown. You now have to do a video with Wolf Cop!


You guys should try to get Jim Norton on.


New levels of mediocrity were reached! You guys are the best.

John and Marcella

Can we not with the special guest for a little but now. I miss having a Mike, Jay, Rich, Jack panel.

Manuel Johnen

Do you have any insider info on when "Rape Stove" will be released....?


I just hope Patton Oswalt is willing to give BotW another chance after this.


come back again Patton. theres so much more pain to endure!


the 'depressing art-partment' moment caused me to laugh so hard I was in physical pain afterwards

Top Hat Monkey

I guess I'm the only one who thought Patton was kind of a dick.

Zach Dewoody

I wish you’d get a real celebrity. Sure, Patton is “Ratatouille” famous, but he’s also “Cameo in Space Cop” famous.




Next on the show, Ricky Gervais ?! :-P


Love Patton! Even though the movies sucked, great episode 🙃


Given your new Hollywood influence you should get Adam Sandler. Not in love with him as an actor/screenwriter but he's not always a horrible director. It would be cool if you could combine it with an interview a.l.a. what you did with Len Kabasinski :)


Yeah, additionally we don't see the hours of the guys sitting and trying to be funny or interesting in the discussion then editing it down to find the magic.


I have a strong feeling that won’t happen after the “Jack and Jill” review... or the many others. Sandler would have to have quite the sense of humor if he decided to come on.

Christian Dannie Storgaard

Which one of these atrocities had the amazing I-can't-believe-it's-not-Blade-Runner track used in the credits?


I guess I'm a couple of months late, but the bit about Ratatoing, was Patton legit on the phone with his agent or was it staged? Could he really have been sued?