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Half in the Bag: Comic Con 2019, The Picard Trailer, Streaming Services, and Midsommar

It's a Half in the Bag extravaganza! (4:20) - The Star Trek: Picard trailer (18:56) - Comic Con and Marvel announcements (35:54) - The streaming service bubble (45:01) - Midsommar review



I can't wait to watch it. Gotta finish work first.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I watch RLM, on company time.


SDCC knockdowns and a cynicism warning... This should be a great episode!


Birthday entertainment sorted!

Bart-Rene Thiel

Perfect way to start my vacation.


It's not like Jeri Ryan has a regular gig these days. Well, okay she's got 10 eps a year on Bosch.

James Murphy

I find talking about the biz way more interesting

James E Carrey

Do Don Dohler’s Lasterpiece https://youtu.be/gSyAS2Da3GQ


I'm surprised Mike and Rick didn't mention Data coming back. I wonder if they shut the video down before the trailer's post credits scene?

W. Fry

You guys give a pass to everything AND you hate everything. Now, what the hell is a Riverdale, Young Justice, or The Gifted. Let's all sit back and... Oww! Hey! Mickey! Put that away!


Calling it. Sometime in the next 5 or 6 years will be a landmark court-case like Paramount vs United States where Studios won't be allowed to own their own streaming services.


"Like what you want, don't let it define you as a human". Jay Bauman. FUCK YOU OSHO!!!

Lauren R

I couldn’t care less about Star Trek but I’ll watch all of Mike and Rich’s conversations about it because I love hearing them bash Alex Kurtzman over and over again.

Marvin Falz

Hey, maybe the decarbonization/deindustrialisation efforts by Greens all over the world, would be beneficial after all, because when the world develops back technologically (including medical science and medicine!) to the level of the Middle Ages, then all the (man and woman)children will have to grow up to survive. The majority of the people wouldn't have enough time and energy left after a hard days work on the fields and at the mill and at home raising dozens of children, to endlessly complain about gender and race swapping in movies (and all the other topics, which are currently dominant), besides that there wouldn't be movies any more.

Marvin Falz

On a less cynical and dark note: I'm looking forward to watch Ophelia (2017) with Daisy Ridley and Naomi Watts at some point, since I'm interested in the story, and I like the acting of both actresses.


But do you recommend Midsommar?


Doom Patrol was fun; y'all should check it out.


Don't ever change you're doing God's work your opinions and hard work and these videos are the few things that cheer up my life you're the best thing on the YouTube and I'm happy to be supporting you financially


Why the fuck does no one ever mention fucking LEGION in the RLMIU (RedLetterMediaInternetUniverse)?!?!? The direction, the cinematography, the fact that it's actually smart and clever and well-written. Jay and Josh would eat this shit up.


I've never agreed with a video on the internet so much in my life. "Like whatever you want but don't let it define you."


"A show you've never heard of can exist on a streaming service you've never heard of can survive." -- RedLetterMedia motto


Did a Yesterday's Enterprise type scenario take place to bring Rich in?


I agree with everything you said.. I also like how Mike said futile the right way 😛

Mike St Louis

I was at SDCC again for the third year. Lou Ferrigno actually cancelled. There is something for everybody. If you want to look at comics and toys they have tons. You can wait in line for the panels or just ignore them. If you didn’t get a badge there are tons of things to do and see outside. All free. I enjoy dressing up and seeing the other costumes myself. I really enjoy it and am not the least bit tired of it.


I'd say modern audiences are more familiar with Patrick Stewart, him playing Professor Xavier and his animal rights advocacy than they are with Picard. Like Jay said, more people are also familiar with the Picard memes than they are with the actual character.


As someone who knows very little about Star Trek and nothing about TNG, I'm going to call it right now: super special girl in the Picard trailer is the long lost daughter of Picard and the Borg Queen.


Yeah I can't believe these hack frauds didn't come up with the most hacky and most obvious answer to who the mystery girl is: it's Locutus & the Borg Queen's love child. Which is why she feels safe around Picard.


Will you guys be doing a review of The Art of Self Defense?


HOLY SHIT, I JUST REALIZED THAT'S WHY THE SHOW IS CALLED PICARD! It's not about Jean Luc Picard, it's about mystery girl Picard!


They pretty much summed up how I felt about Midsommar. I thought it was pretty predictable, which is disappointing because of how unpredictable Hereditary was. It was still a good film, but I don't know if it'll make my top ten, whereas Hereditary was my favorite movie of last year. I was also hoping it'd be a little more disturbing...


I don't think Rich likes Alex Krutzman.


Great episode, one of the best HitB in awhile. Hearing Mike and Jay talk about SDCC reminds me of the literal hellscape that modern pop culture has become.


Anyone who likes the idea of a good story doesn't like that no talent hack.


Dear Red Letter Media Technical Experience Management Committee and/or Digital Media Excellence Supervisory Response Team: This well-intended note is to advise you of a Sound Quality issue I have experienced as of late with your videos. The most recent offender is this Half in the Bag episode. I refer you to this timecode -- wait for Mike to say "LOVE" in "I just LOVE that". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70SSJLG72Q0&t=1222 You may want to use your better headphones in order to get a sense of what I mean. You should notice a harsh digital edge on LOVE that, to my ears, sounds like something is clipping out something and that maybe you have the gain set too high somewhere in your audio production chain. If you watch this video and other more-recent videos, you'll find other examples. Please let me know if you'd like me to dredge up some more. Could you please fix this? As you can tell this is a Very Big Deal with Huge Repercussions For You if you do not comply to the wishes of Myself, A Very Serious Person on the Internet. Thank You and Good Day.


And now, because of that, Rich's son who look exactly like him is plotting against Lightning Fast VCR repair in episode 108.


The boys clip the audio all the time. I have legit almost sent them a couple of compressor limiters. Every time the room goes nuts during a botw episode, the meters explode. But you know what? More than a million people don't give a shit and I suspect neither do they. Might even work with the whole home grown vibe.


The Star Trek discussions are always great! Nobody cares about a little clipping. In fact Richs laughs will make anything clip. It's part of RLM and often adds to the escallation of funny moments.