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A while back we made mention of working on a project we couldn't quite announce yet. We built a set for it and everything.  Well, it's a commercial we were asked to make that we were given basically no restrictions on and could pretty much do whatever we wanted with. The original intention of how that commercial would be released didn't end up panning out but we got the go ahead to post it on our own channel, so that's what we're gonna do tomorrow! Spoilers: Rich Evans embarrasses himself in it.

In addition to that, we're planning on filming a Half in the Bag for Godzilla and Dark Phoenix soon, two complete critical duds. Yay!



Rich Evans, the star of the Ellen show, in a commercial!? Can’t wait!


You shills!

Rick Drake

The hackfrauds sold out? Shocking!


I’m surprised you guys even give a crap about Dark Phoenix.


I told you we'd get a Godzilla HiTB! I wished it into existence!


No restrictions? Either they had never seen your work or had Kruger (or is that K-uger?) levels of "don't give a fuck"

David Banes

Well I LOVE the new Godzilla and plan to see it a fourth time on Monday.


Chunky's Chicken tried to get a real ad?


Nerd Crew Meltdown!


Yay! My job requires me to look at murders all day and evening and you guys are the only bright spot. P.S. I feel like I'm coming across an absurd amount of murders in Wisconsin. What is up with that? What is wrong with you people?

Dan Port

Now I have to see the new Godzilla? Ugh.


Very cool.


I'm surprised they aren't doing a new Nerd Crew video filmed at Galaxy's Edge.


Godzilla was hilariously stupid and I loved it. Like all great Kaiju films, the humans were VERY dumb.


But, but, but, Fox did that huge "remember all those X-Men films you liked (and the ones tyou didn't like)? Now go see this one!" ad campaign. Are you telling me that milking our nostalgia didn't help this wayward, dying film series?


Yuss cannot wait


I am so sorry you have to sit through Godzilla.


Totinos pizza rolls?


Oh man! I was hoping you were making another movie, but a creative commercial sounds fun, too. Congrats, fellows!


I loved Godzilla - hoping Mike did too!

Marvin Falz

Though I'm a huge fan of Bill Hicks' comedy routines, I also think his views are often too crass - I mean, praying for a nuclear holocaust because of the low quality of the TV program? - therefore I'm looking forward to see an RLM commercial, on top of that a commercial for someone else. :)

Twisted Wishes

Once they finish these xmen franchise off then they have to start all over again when Disney reboots it.....I am sorry guys, you are doomed to review the same 7 franchises over and over and over and over and over and ov...........


I hope it's a commercial for Great Value Fart Bags. They're just as good as name brand, but at a price my family can afford.


This is the closest we have of that. https://youtu.be/OHAYo5uF6Lk


I hope you guys still got paid


I love that they review films I’ll never watch- less spoilers that way. Always a good review, and on the chance I know I’ll watch eventually I just pause at spoilers until months later. ;)


The hack frauds didn't even succeed at selling out!