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Here's an older picture that we just found! It's from the first day of shooting Space Cop! If you've seen the movie, this is from the alleyway chase scene where Space Cop has all the pop up ads show up in his visor, blocking his vision. To get the Space Cop point of view shots, we just awkwardly slapped a GoPro to Rich's face and Jack monitored the footage on his phone.




Finally ordered my blu-ray copy yesterday, can’t wait to experience all that spacey goodness in HD!

Annie Desrochers

I love how Rich looks soooo buff in the fight scene.


The GoPro attached to Rich and Jack's face say it all! Lol!

Dan Port

"Ow my face!"


I would looooove to see a "Space Cop meets Stat Trek Discovery" LOL - that shit would be lit up !

Marvin Falz

Ah yes, funny scene! And a good example how old RLM/GMP material appears in new material. Space Cop falls into the bushes and yells "the branches, the branches, ow, they hurt," and when Ray rolls down the hill in Gorilla Interrupted he yells "the branches, they hurt." I know, it's embarrassing to know this kind of stuff. Or when that doll gets a TV thrown on it and you hear it groan "somebody call an ambulance" and that line reappears in Oranges: Revenge of the Eggplant, spoken by the evil eggplant during the final confrontation with Professor Sunkyst. I know, it's even more embarrassing to research this kind of stuff. But in reality it's awesome because it's genuinely fun to do!


Video production seems like such an enormous, enormous pain in the ass.


Rich is a dead ringer for Homestar Runner in that shirt.


That's what they call movie making magic.


As always, Rich looks thrilled about all of it.

Kendel Fargo

Nice, there’s a trick in every trade.