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Star Trek Discovery Season 2 In a Nutshell

Coming soon! Rich and Mike talk about Season 2 of Star Trek Discovery in depth. Also, yes. We'll talk about the new Picard trailer too. This scene is our dramatic recreation of many scenes from the season of the hit TV show.


Rick Drake

Oh my god. It really is Mike's Star Trek fan film.


That was better than Season 2 of Star Trek Discovery.


Very Cool.


I'm shocked and amazed...

Taylor Hensley

So......does this mean I should watch Season 2? I am getting the impression that I am not.

Mike St Louis

So this is what it is huh? I’ve been waiting for this a long time.


That made me laugh so hard it hurts.

Tony Toon

You guys it some serious work into this and it shows.

Joshua Cubbin

Oh my god. The thumbnail alone has me sold.


The camera never went full 360 around them though at a jogging speed.

Kilian Woolf

Please let there be an outtakes video.


i want them to make alot more content haha

Carla Hoffman

Short Trek: Mom's Brain

damien glenn

Lol i didnt watch discoverys second season, the first was awful, and this wasnt what i was expecting from the patreon pop up but it was far better. Looking forward to hearing you guys shit on the second season, it sounds like it has it coming


Needs more Alice in Wonderland

William Sircin

Once again you all have proven that you should be the ones in charge of this series


How did they get Jay into a Star Trek uniform? lol


I lost interest in Discovery after they said "time crystals" and checked out when they had a "Mom?!" cliffhanger. So I'm really not sure if this is a parody or just a scene from the last half of Discovery season 2.


I hadn't had a drink in ten years. Apparently my only trigger is the work of Alex Kurtzman. How many times can you fail up if you're a white man? I'm genuinely asking, because I want to know how many strikes I have left.


The real fun will begin when the Picard series debuts. Mike and Rich are going to have a meltdown with Alex Kurtzman getting control over a TNG legend like Picard.


Asking the real questions. Jay's participation in a Star Trek themed skit is one of the most surprising developments in RLM history.


Even though I kinda liked S2 of Discovery, this is basically how most of it went. Insane technobabble solutions and "we shall never talk about it because 50 years of cannon" in the end.

Marvin Falz

Wow, I didn't know how accurate the portrayal of the essence of awfulness of Discovery is, until I watched the first ten minutes of "New Eden." First and probably last time in my life that I watch Discovery. The comparison feels somehow unfair to me, but similar to the Prequels redeeming Return of the Jedi, Discovery redeems Voyager. The comparison is unfair, since even the Prequels had some charme to them (relatively), but Discovery is unwatchable. Also, a few days ago I watched Skin of Evil for the first time in my life, and even though Tasha's death comes from nowhere, at least her farewell speech was a nice, memorable moment. The Armus character was interesting. It was all pretty much Star Trek!


Can't wait for the outtakes... it's gonna be great.


Looks great! How fun to see Jay pulled into a fan episode of Star Trek. Thank God for the internet, or I'd actually have to watch this STD thing myself.


This is Jay's best acting since he up-ended the popcorn in the Ben-Hur review.

Poo In An Alleyway

This was like a Make A Wish Foundation video. You both did amazing work granting Mike's dying wish, for him to be a real Star Trek captain.


Okay listen I actually like s2 a lot (I know!!!! Wtf!!!) but this was extremely accurate. “Time crystals” “modified transporters with DARK MATTER” dying


"It'll only take about 5 minutes." I died laughing.


Well, that was goddamned amazing. I probably could have gone through life without hearing Mike say "Yum, yum" however


Superb work, guys. Did Jay get any of these references?

Ross Nugent

Would have loved to have seen a dig at the camera spinning during conversations (here's the worst example from last season in case you didn't watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ahF9gKKS8w) but still great work!


This video is amazing. You guys never cease to entertain

Juan Calvo

You hacks frauds have some of the best comedy content on the interwebs... Never disappointing, always innovating. Lesser creators from YouTube and Hollywood haven't figured out how to rip you off yet. You are the best terrible people I don't know personally in the World.


They way this is cut, I was wondering whether Jay and Rich are wearing the same uniform... Would love it if true, for some reason.

Twisted Wishes

It's sad that this is closer in feeling to what I think of star trek then the star trek show they are parodying,


As an example of technobabble done right was reminded of the Turbo-encabulator. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/rLDgQg6bq7o