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Jurassic World:


Jurassic Park Commentary Track:


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That "sjw" joke was cringe-worthy. Please don't be that guy, Mike.


The tone of this review seemed off -- and not because Mike liked something that many people expected him to hate. Just look at Metacritic, plenty of decent reviewers have given Jurassic World a pass so he’s in good company. It’s rather something specific about the edit or perhaps the atmosphere at RLM that feels jarring in comparison to all the other videos/audios. Jay looked uneasy. Mike seemed aggressive. Rich sounded genuinely despondent in the commentary. This isn’t usual for RLM so what’s the score, guys? I hope you’re not stressed from trying to finish Space Cop while working on the reams of other stuff you’ve no doubt committed to. Leaving all ‘hack fraud’ cynicism aside here, you have stacks of unconditional support both on Patreon and elsewhere -- so remember to just go easy on yourselves ;-)


Are you suggesting these guys are actually human beings with changing moods and personalities? Because if that's the case I'm outta here!


Valiant knights of twitter hahaha


I agree with your sentiment. It was also interesting (weird?) to see Mike give a pass to a lot of flaws that he may not have done in the past or with other movies, and defend it so strongly. But hey, if it was his genuine opinion then I can't really argue with that.


I gotta be honest. I was nodding in agreeance to the "Sensitive Joss Whedon" comment and as soon as I saw the initials SJW on screen I genuinely laughed out loud at my computer. That was a hilarious bit.


I was hoping Mike would rip this movie a new f*cking a**hole, but alas... Mike, I am disappoint.