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Suspiria (re:Make) - re:View

Jay and Josh discuss the controversial and very divisive 2018 remake of Suspiria. Set expectations to "subverted."




Manuel Johnen

""Suspiria" is my favorite movie of 2018." Of course it is... XD


Thanks! I'm still thinking about this movie as well. Glad other people feel the way I do about it.


Thank you for this highly satisfying re:View! I 've been watching this movie 5 times by now and was desperately craving for a conversation about it with someone who loves it as much! This re:View is as good as a conversation. :) You made my day guys!

Marvin Falz

Forgive me, if someone else has already pointed it out: in the video at 11:57 the subtitle reads "They'll hollow me out and eat my cunt on a plate," but she's saying "They'll slaughter me and eat [in the sense of an animal eating] my cunt off a plate."

Joshua Mannix

Hello RLM! New Patreon (finally had the funds to show my support). This definitely made me want to watch the new one. I actually took a class in college by the guy who wrote the remake. This was back in 2012 or 2013. Pretty cool dude. Other than all the screen writing stuff he got to show Blood Creek, one of his earlier films that he wrote, and was able to showcase how the screenplay evolved from beginning to finished product. Interesting stuff. The guy is actually doing another class and screening this semester (Of one of his newer movies "A Bigger Splash") at my old college, sad I live an hour away and the class/screening are all on the weekdays.

Lauren R

I like the lighting setup you have here with the subtle blue and red on your guys’ faces. Nicely done.

Lauren R

Also, one thing I really loved about this and the director’s last film, Call Me By Your Name, is how precise the time period is. You two touched on the political stuff in Suspiria but both of those movies are so amazing at integrating the audience into the year they’re set in on a visual aesthetic that feels incredibly authentic. With how popular it is to have movies, especially horror movies, set in the 70s/80s, none of them come close to matching the naturalism that Suspiria creates. I think the color palate helped with that. If the movie had film grain running over the screen, you could have convinced me it was actually filmed in 1977.


God dammit I KNEW you weirdos were going to like this movie. Legitimately one of the worst pieces of indulgent arthouse trash / torture porn filth I've ever seen.


Josh is totally right. Modern dance is often a complete rejection to any previously existing rules or structure; so much so that I had several instructors who forbade any music during choreography. Since much of my love of dance comes from a love for music I truly struggled with some of those teachers because they pushed me to learn to choreograph in complete silence. It can be very interesting to see what people make.


I was hoping you’d address the scene where that one witch stabs herself in the neck during breakfast. I still don’t know what the hell was supposed to be going on there


Thought the remake was a tough hang, it’s way too long. Some good stuff in there but in the long run didn’t like it. However, I am glad I watched the original and remake before watching the Re:view. Never would of saw these movies before then.


I think that was a witch that voted for Markos and she realized she made a mistake and knew who Susie was.


I think because of these ReViews I will check out both versions


You're probably totally right. Did I miss something though? What made her realize she was wrong?


Tilda Swinton as the old man I thought was completely distracting and indulgent. My brilliant friend described it as “gravitas for hire.” I’m sorry to say I disagree with the guys this time and not every sound track needs vocals either. Indulgence was the name of the game this time around. The negatives outweighed the positives

Poo In An Alleyway

I had read it on a second viewing that she was sick of living through the ritual over and over and being responsible for sacrificing so many girls. Explained why she cried when Susie was dancing, because she knew that another dancer was about to die.

Poo In An Alleyway

Fuck I loved this movie so much. It definitely had an effect on me after seeing it; mainly it made me weirdly attracted to shoulder blades.

damien glenn

I literally could not tell that it was her. I understand your point, but going in to that movie not knowing I only realized afterward when i looked over the IMDB page.




watched the movie right after this re:view and loved it!!!!


I wonder what will become of Madame Blanc


re:View is the best!


Did you guys ever see the Massive Attack video where the girl from goo-gone meets the ball from Phantasm and does the misscarraige scene from Possession? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElvLZMsYXlo