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Half in the Bag: Captain Marvel

Yes. We know.



Been refreshing this page since the update this morning!


I want to visit Milwaukee now


YEAH BABY I haven't even seen the movie yet but I'm gonna watch, the HITB's are usually superior anyway


Jay's intro was so perfect.


Love it at the end when Mike gets confused on how the show works.

David Banes

Well I plan to see Captain Marvel soonish so I'll watch the movie before the review. I expect to have an alright time. Nothing great but certainly no Catwoman experience...Remember when the lead actress was a meanie head and had a flat butt?




Walk Her Inn; Drag Her Out. WOW. It does exist.

Lauren R

Wait a damn minute. Are you telling me that I sat through all of Captain Marvel, thinking about how the stuff with the Skrulls and Kree reminded me a little bit about Star Trek, especially the Skrull makeup, and then Mike had the fucking audacity not to mention Star Trek for almost forty minutes when talking about a huge sci-fi blockbuster? What am I paying you hacks for?


Why do you hate women?


If we're lucky maybe they'll release the hour of star trek discussion that was edited out as a bonus.


Man this was a really great episode, probably the best since jack and jill. Bravo guys


I’m moving to Milwaukee


This HitB was a real bummer — 98% Milwaukee promo, 2% Twitter news BS — I miss when you hacks were stranded at the bottom of a lake !!

Bort Ward

I doubt 100% that it had any effect on this video, but I do remember saying in the YouTube comments that RLM could produce a tourist video for Milwaukee .


But hilarious, with the movie being meh. the Promo and the controversy were sadly more interesting than the movie itself.


I really liked the movie, so I must be some kind of weirdo.

Marvin Falz

Milwaukee is also tied to the Monkey Man Trilogy. One of the most memorable scenes is when Monkey Man is outside in the garden, shitting a series of monoliths. Later he shits a space baby. Now that's art, man!


Good episode. I was hoping for two things going in, a Mr. Plinkett appearance and a breakdown of the latest lame pseudo-controversy attached to an okay movie that no one will remember in 6 months. 2 for 2!


This movie was ostensibly made for me; I thought it was okay, but in no way is it culturally important or a signficant social landmark. It's a billion dollar franchise investment. Send your kids to space camp or coding camp instead!

Vladdy Bladdy

Watch Midnight's Edge review of this movie and he will point out all the subtle propaganda moments of femminist agenda in this film. And honestly they ruined Nick Fury by making him into a joking, neutered version of himself, and the way he loses his eye to a cat scratch is a joke that people were making when the first trailer came out, my intelligence as a viewer was insulted. Also the gender swap of Mar-Vell to an elderly lady is insulting as a comic fan, oh and by the way the first female Captain Marvel was a black lady. White wash much? I hope Rogue from teh X-men puts Brie Larson in a coma so we don't have to see her anymore.


I had to look it up because it sounded made up. But no. It's a thing.


I just simply wanna THANK YOU for mentioning my favorite friendship movie Tangerine.. that movie wasn't made for straight women like me but I loved it! Especially the car wash part!


I was genuinely surprised that there were no mentions of barfing cats/Uninvited.

Marvin Falz

I'm watching the review part of the episode and I love it! So Brie Larson is worse than Gal Gadot who sounded like Anakin when she told Rolling Stone that "you're either a feminist or a sexist?" All I want is an engaging piece of entertainment/art, something which gives me different perspectives, insights, inspires my imagination, makes me feel - like that Kubrick flick from 68, which has obviously conquered my mind in a very positive way.


Bland is the perfect word for a movie that could have been great instead of fine. Those clumsy music choices and sloppy sound editing should be studied

Jamie Birch



Go back to your basement hovel, nobody cares about your complaints about a “vangenda of manocide” or whatever.


“I think I'm on Mike's side when it comes to this movie: worth watching but don't expect too much.” Basically the tagline of every Marvel movie.

Jacob A. Wright

I really like how Jay says people getting so worked up about the movie makes them weirdos, rather than just calling them idiots. It is so bizarre that some of the most politically divisive media today are just dumb superhero movies and 80s movie remakes.


I was hoping for more about Milwaukee and less about Captain Mary Sue Retcon MacGuffin. No one would care about Captain Marvel at all if it wasn't sandwiched in between the two Avenger's films. The script was weak, the character is bland and the overall MCU narrative doesn't need her. I'll be so disappointed if they plan to use her to take on the role of Adam Warlock. Even more so if they don't let Nebula have her moment against Thanos in 'Endgame.' And man, I can't WAIT for the moment in Endgame when we have the conversation about who's in charge -- Captain America or Captain Marvel. They both have the same rank! You know that dumbassery is coming. Ah, well. It is what it is, I guess. And Milwaukee has WAAAAAY more class than Miami. ;)


"We don't all have to like the same things." -- Jack Packard on some Pre-Rec stream(s)


If I may, shouldn't we be watching movies and experiencing art that isn't made for us in order to better understand other groups of people? That seems to be one of the most important goals of art, at least to me. Thoughts?


Didn't see either myself, but your report indicates that Samuel L. Jackson came out of Captain Marvel only a bit better then Chris "Helmsworth" did from Ghostbusters.


Not going to see it, but only because I don't much want to watch the lesser entries in the series. My ex likes fantasy/vampire fiction, and said this movie seemed like one of those novellas that are written to fill in details between two novels in a series.


Brie Larson. I don't know if she's any good, but she seems to have her sense of humor configured the way I do: she is "trying to be" funny but it just sounds sarcastic and mean.