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Star Trek: The Motion Picture - re:View

It's the team up you've all been waiting for! Dry and sarcastic meets dry and sarcastic! Two dull, unfunny, elderly men talk about an old, dull, dry film. WHAT COULD BE BETTER THAN THAT KIDS?!?!?!? Seriously though, Mike and Jim love Star Trek The Motion Picture. It's mainly because they are dry, dull, and elderly.







Really surprised Jay didn’t review TMP considering he’s the biggest Trek fan of the group.


Oh my gooooooood


I haven’t watched the ep, yet, but I begrudgingly came to the conclusion a couple of years ago that despite the hate it’s gotten for nearly 40 years, it’s the best Star Trek film. Don’t get me wrong, TWOK, TUC and FC are better overall films, but as far as taking the spirit of TOS and making it a product for the big screen, it’s the perfect Star Trek film.


I would watch an all-new episode with Jay & Rich talking about the same movie.


perfect timing. thanks for everything, RLM. stopping here before i get too sappy

Daniel Frank

Re: TMP and sexuality, in the novelization (by Roddenberry), Kirk mentions in the preface that he was named after his Mom’s “first love instructor”.


Did he say 4 was the best one???


A bit curious as to why this was so heavily censored though. It was strange hearing beeps and seeing black bars over words like ass and moist.

Jeremy Ross

Funny you guys mentioned Shmaltz. Lenny's RIPA (from Shmaltz) is one of my favourite IPAs. It's a rye IPA and it's pretty good. I'll have to try the Star Trek one if I can find it here.

Andre K

This is an amazing episode, Mike talking about Star Trek is like a warm blanket and a cup of hot cocoa on a overcast snowy day, it's the essence of "cozy". As a fan from the long ago days of the Plinkett Star Trek reviews, this hearkens back to myself back then - already bald, already bitter and already drunk....

Marvin Falz

This re:view is a feast! I especially love the fact, that Mike and Jim acknowledge William Shatner's acting capabilities. Some months ago I have bought The Motion Picture, and I must say, it's a great Star Trek movie, though it looks and sounds nothing like the original series, which to me is usually a big deal. Colors, sound effects and music of TOS are part of the essence of Star Trek to me. Anyway, great movie, great re:view.

Mike St Louis

Q: Do I really want to sit around and listen to these guys talk about ST:TMP? A: An emphatic YES!! I love ST:TMP. I've been waiting for re:view of it for a long time. I wish it had been longer.

Carla Hoffman

Seriously, think about a Star Trek podcast or something! It's so heartening to hear fans talk about what the series has been and can be in the future and your self-awareness and obviously love of Trek is totally worth a Patreon tier.


I particularly liked the Trek Horror bit. Quite a nice piece of editing.


I somehow never saw this movie as a kid, but it was fun watching it for the first time after seeing this re:View. Nice job, guys!

Kendel Fargo

Every episode is like a holiday, And I am wearing a Lei made of smiles.


Absolutely agree, it's a damn shame there's no Star Trek podcast with Mike and Rich. Maybe doing commentaries on random episodes.


re:View of Dark City?


Inspired us to watch it again. Glad we did. It's rewarding coming back to the film after not seeing it for a while.


I queued this episode up today to watch with my (64-yr-old) parents since they've always been into Trek but I had forgotten about all the sexual theming discussed. About a third of the way through I attempted to put on the most clinical, discerning face possible so that my parents wouldn't think I was a weirdo but to my surprise they enjoyed the discussion just as much as I did! They even made me queue up the blu-ray later to watch soooo... I guess that worked out better than I ever could have hoped for.


I have this theory that this movie is actually a musical. Long sustained scenes of just visuals and music, not to mention it's directed by Robert Wise. The same guy that did West Side Story and Sound of Music. Yep. I'm convinced.