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Best of the Worst: Carnivore, HauntedWeen, and Black Roses

Booooo! It's Halloween again, which means the group has gotten together to watch some spooky horror films, including the now-traditional Heavy Metal-themed monster movie. Things got crazy. Then they didn't.



I was surprised Macauley Culkin held that pose as the scarecrow the whole episode.

Marvin Falz

Those special effecte in Black Roses don't look FANTASTIC, but they have some charm to them.


Just sat down to a nice big weekend breakfast.... But now I've got something to chew on! Thanks guys!


It's not a brick wall, it was plaster and lath with some of the plaster knocked off you frauds. No, this is not pedantic, it's real important! Team Plaster and Lath!


I'm amazed at the Rian Johnson cracks here, and not during the HitB of Rian Johnson's Halloween.


Team Light Wall!


Wait no, Team Maker’s Mark!


Seeing Jay legit drunk was weird. Everyone else was basically the same.


I can't wait to see the outakes of that episode!

David Banes

Oh boy...bringing up Last Jedi and expectations...and Solo...very funny and original.


i got drunk with them in real time, so i'll have to wait two days to watch the rest #noSpoilers #specialEffectsAreAmazing


Who was the scarecrow it’s so hard to tell (I thought it was Jay at first but now idk)?


Team brick wall/team lie down on the floor


Watching those movies and then not drinking to wash the pain away just proves that Rich Evans is made out of stronger stuff than most of us.


HauntedWeen was partially filmed in Bowling Green, KY, which is kinda sorta the hometown of John Carpenter! He also went to school at Western Kentucky University.

Sarah Low

Great episode as always! Shout outs to Vincent Pastore aka Big Pussy from the Sopranos making his second ever credited appearance in Black Roses as "Tony's Dad" (guy who gets killed by speaker monster)


Just got home from working one of the worst Amateur Nights of the year for clubs. Looking fwd to more of Part 1 in a BTS/Outtakes Patreon-only post in the near future!

Kevin Young

I just want to buy those shot glasses for my drunk customers.


You all should have jenny nicholson as a guest. She also loves ghost hunting shows!


More Jay Drunk! Y'all are hogging the goods. How many cats, Jay?!

Andre K

If they release an unedited video of the post-videos drunken chat I'll up my Patreon contribution to $15 for a month, at least.


Drunk Jay and Jack are the best. Keep them coming.


I don't think an episode has ever more truly embodied the name of the Series. Truly, this is the Best of the Worst.


Sometimes I miss Drunk Rich, but having him serve as the sober voice of reason is also pretty fantastic.


That backlight after they sobered up is distracting by how harsh it is; either tilt it down or diffuse it but the font purple glow is almost non-existent.

Clancy Bundy

Goddammit... I just WATCHED Carnivore. Those two FBI dudes were the best. Just needless assholery.

Twit In A Hat

Gonna guess Josh because I didn't see a visible cut after the panel walked off camera, and Josh was the only other one present (as far as we know).

Twit In A Hat

I think this tops the "Rich wants that juicy Shaq meat" episode for derailment.


I was hoping HauntedWeen would be about Dean and Gene...


Not one person commented on that dude's hat in Carnivore. He even kept it on during the porn scene. It made him look like a gay biker from the 80s.

Gar Kelleher

Any Halloween commentary track?


I gotta see these outtakes.. E>


Man I would watch the two hours uncut of them just drunk and poor Rich sober


One of the greatest Best of the Worsts ever. I was in tears at the drunk Jay post-movie discussion montage.

Kendel Fargo

Best Halloween ever!!!


More drunk shows!


I demand the unedited version of this episode