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The Psycho Franchise - reView (part 2 of 2)

Jay and Josh continue discussing the Psycho series with Parts 3 and 4. Oh and I guess there was a remake or something too?



Been really looking forward to this!


Credits on 3 rolling as I’m posting this. Looking forward to the re:view. Thanks for going off mainstream again wirh these ones.


Finally! I was starting to wonder when this would get uploaded!


I'm just curious what Jay's pin is/is from? Being bright green and just small enough that I can't read it is very distracting :P


after a really long and terrible day a new rlm vid always makes it better. thanks for everything guys <3


thank you for the thrilling conclusion [is stabbed to death] oh hi thanks everyone i live i die i live again


this was a real chore to get through, Josh is so unfunny and insufferable. Especially on BOTW he almost ruins every BOTW he's on.


Did you know Anthony Perkins' widow was on the plane that flew into the WTC?


oh my, and Anthony Perkins died from AIDS, 9/11 and AIDS; this is very RLM but this is too tasteless for even you guys to make funny


I'd love to see you guys do a re:view of 'In the Mouth of Madness'. Such an underrated Carpenter classic. So much to unpack and discuss.


Loving this! Thanks all


So far I had only seen the 1st one - still an incredibly atmospheric experience and Anthony Perkins´ performance is chillingly impressive. Love it! So thanks to you guys I ordered the 1-4 box-set which is due to arrive any moment and I´ m planning on watching at least 2 & 3 tonight. Gotta be able to watch the rest of the re:view after all :) Can´ t wait for more Perkins; Thank you for continuously broadening my movie horizon!

Tactical Therapist

I branched out into the sequels when I was in high school in the late 90s. I enjoyed them, but it was still odd to have these sequels from a film that is a groundbreaking classic. I guess that could be said about other films, but the first Psycho lit the flame that sent me into psychology and mental health counseling.