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New Half in the Bag is being edited now. Should be up in a day or two. Hopefully you won't be FURIOUS that IT FOLLOWS a Pre Rec stream tonight.



But what movies will it cover?


I don't get it. I can tell the words in caps are important, but I don't know what I'm supposed to take away from this post. SOMEONE HELP I NEED TO KNOW!


It's obvious. They're reviewing Insurgent and Get Hard.


I thought Furious Seven was too absurd and silly to hate - despite being the cotton candy of movies, I'm not entirely ashmed to admit that I liked watching it in a theatre full of screaming, clapping drunk people. I'll have to watch It Follows before this HITB posts.


Yes, can't wait BUT I'm glad you decided to PLUG this episode IN advance. It will be greater than URANUS.


Excellent , was hoping you'd do that movie (and hopefully the whole series :P )


The pre-rec stream is going to slowly catch up while you're distracted during HITB, and then you'll die.

Taylor Hensley

I am interested to hear your opinions on IT FOLLOWS.


I was as skeptical about the Fast&Furious movies as the next person, but I gave them a shot a couple of years ago and ended up really enjoying them. 3 & 5 especially. They're dumb, but the action is well directed and mostly practical stunts and real exotic locations. They aren't of the Michael Bay/Zack Snyder/Adam Sandler level of bad by any stretch. There's also a weird non-linear twist added into the series, will be curious if the RLM guys watched just number 7 Twilight Breaking Dawn part 2 style, or marathoned the whole series Resident Evil style.

Marvin Falz

Plus the new Plinkett review will be about a disorderly video game presented in a Pre Rec stream. We all know that Mike just loves video games.


Great, although I was hoping that DAVID AND GOLIATH would GET HARD. Anyway, I think that THE DIVERGENT SERIES: INSURGENT.