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There will be some fun Mike and Rich outtakes from this coming soon.


Star Trek: Galaxy - re:View

This is a milestone! The first re:View based on something that doesn't exist. I guess it's not a re:View, but oh well... Mike and Rich spitball some ideas for that newly announced Picard TV show. Mike has an idea to put Picard back on a Galaxy class ship again so he can relish in nostalgia and yell "I recognize that!" at his TV. Rich and Mike talk crew, mission, science mystery and not having a Star Trek series based on "action schlock" and terrible things that make us puke.



Mike, I wanted to leave a review of your Star Trek fanfiction on fanfiction.net but I couldn't find your 'Star Wars: Galaxy' fic. Can you provide a link? Thanks! :)


Now we just need to make Milwaukee the new Hollywood.


Mike ur love for Star Trek is so pure. I’ve been a TOS fan for ages thanks to my dad. I wasn’t sure if I’d like TNG bc I couldn’t imagine the show without Leonard Nimoy but u convinced me to watch it and long story short thank U


I'd watch that show.


I think you missed a third option! Remember how in TOS and TNG, the host starship would periodically take on a Guest Dignitary of the Week, and ferry them to some diplomatic situation or to conduct some experiment? What if Picard became that, and the show just followed him as he (and his cadre) hops his way across the galaxy, from ship to ship, rather than having a single ship. It would give a lot of great writing opportunities to show different sides of Federation service, show different types of crews and captains, wind up hitching rides on various civilian vessels, get delayed on various planets where they can pick up B-plots, etc. The title would be a reference to viewing and exploring the entire Star Trek galaxy.


In all seriousness, I love the brainstorming ideas that you and Rich came up with. We love your Star Trek nerdness in our home. :) Unfortunately all of the great ideas you guys floated will never get used. Damn shame. BTW, you guys forgot the ultimate Star Trek: TNG macguffin that's also canon AND very useful for forwarding a plot (any plot) -- Q.


When I saw Alex Kurtzman next to Patrick Stewart, I immediately abandoned all hope of that new Picard show to be fun and competent. Mike, I didn't play Star Trek Online but I read that there was a mission about dealing with the Jem'Hader ships that the prophets made disappear during the Dominion War and made reappear near the beginning of the 25th century (someone corrects me if I'm wrong). So, it could be an occasion to tie in the end of Deep Space 9. Maybe, the only thing Star Fleet can do to stop the threat of 6000 ships with decades old technology (yeah, I know, it isn't the best threat :P ) is an experiment that goes catastrophically bad and the non-linear temporality of the wormhole aliens dimension starts to bleed through in our universe. The causality stream is broken and events may now happen out of order hence the Galaxy ship visiting all these different time periods. However, it isn't the ship but the Universe that moves back and forth. Maybe the can't go to warp because physics don't apply anymore. Then Brahms, Geordie, Geordie's son, Professor Moriarty and Joey Jojo Jr. Shabadoo all band up at the climax of the episode, which would be a two-parter, to [TECHNO BABBLE MUMBO JUMBO]. I don't know, maybe they do a reverse warp bubble (which would be hyperbolic instead of an ellipsoid), capturing the whole universe instead of the ship and somehow it works. Picard may find endearing to have to decide between survival and breaking the Temporal Prime Directive. Or they observe or become part of the downfall of the Iconians. I don't know, I'm just pitching ideas. S I S K O I S T H E K E Y T O A L L T H I S


pre: view


Yes! More Star Trek videos, please! I would love to see Mike and Rich review every Star Trek series


If all of RLM got reduced to Mike talking about Star Trek, I would be ok with that.


Love the idea of bringing Susan Gibney back, who should have had a greater role in the franchise. One of the few good instincts of "what is it with Rick" Berman -- the guy tried to cast her as Dax, then Janeway, then Seven of Nine.

Ross Nugent

No joke, I'd buy a star trek fan fiction e-script from RLM for 99 cents an episode.


This reminds me of being a kid again...


You guys have to do a DS9 re:View when the documentary comes out. The world needs to know how good that show is.


Here's my pathetic loser nerd comment. You've been warned! If you wanted to have something inherent to the ship that keeps our cast on the ship and active in the story, maybe its reactor projects a field that "binds" anything (people, nearby ships, maybe even entire systems) exposed long enough with the time skips/anomalies. If they leave the ship/anomaly, they'd be at risk of being teleported to a hostile/alien location and time period at random. This way, the crew stays on the ship instead of abandoning it as quickly as possible, which would be the first thing they'd try once they found out something was wrong with the ship. And, because they're able to risk being in the affected parts of the galaxy without further risks, they would have a reason to get involved with smaller scale conflicts/issues in the star systems affected by the anomalies. And they wouldn't be able to return home because they'd risk spreading it to unaffected star systems. You could even have episodes where crewmen who'd gone on leave, or just tried to escape, ending up missing, and the Galaxy's crew have to figure out why. Could even be a nice episode with a few of the main characters being lost and then they have to survive/figure out how to get back to the ship. Eventually the crew would figure it out and adapt to it, and it could add a nice ticking clock element - if any other characters from unaffected regions of space stay on board, or in affected space too long (say, a few hours or days) they become bound to the Galaxy and the time anomalies. Of course, the people already in the systems/areas affected by the time anomalies are immune to the Galaxy's field, seeing as it's already affected them. And meanwhile, the anomalies could be spreading on their own, even if the Galaxy stays in affected areas. This way, there's this kind of one-way portal, where characters can go IN to the affected parts of the Alpha Quadrant, but not OUT, with the exception of the Galaxy itself. And because the anomalies are slowly spreading, you'd have new areas open up to the Galaxy to visit. So you could even stay in the Alpha Quadrant, and be in somewhat familiar territory, but be unable to go to unaffected areas without affecting them with the Galaxy's field. There'd be a reason for the Galaxy and her crew to be involved instead of the newest ships/best equipped crews, seeing as the Federation wouldn't want to risk losing its best ships/crews. You could have a shitty admiral telling Picard "We're sorry you're in that situation, but we don't even know if the time anomalies can be fixed. We could just end up losing even more good people and good ships for nothing." So here we have a plausible reason that it'd be up to the Galaxy and her crew to try to fix the problem on their end (overarching plot) while also trying to generally help out people living in the affected parts of the Alpha Quadrant (contained weekly plots). Sorry for the ramble, but this basic plot outline was so inspiring I can just see it happening with this mechanic. Not that it'll happen, but it's a fun thing to imagine. Loved this video!


This sort of thing is what I want more from Re:View.

Andre K

Perhaps a "bad ideas" re:View is also in order, like what was done for Solo.


"This is a man that loves Star Trek"

Vladdy Bladdy

Should be retitled, "Please re:View our Star Trek ideas, hollywood executives"




I want


I'm almost angry I watched that because you know that were never going to see Trek like that again. The only consolation is that Sir Patrick Stewart seemed genuinely happy to get back into the role when he announced it. I just hope he doesn't get the Mark Hamill treatment :(


Voyager and Enterprise destroyed my ability to think that a star trek series could be good. And the only thing I'm expecting to see from this is the horrible, horrible misuse of Patrick Stewart to facilitate a soulless cash grab. I haven't seen discovery because I don't want to subscribe to yet another online streaming service but what I hear suggests that it *might* be decent. In 1990 the franchise peaked with The Best of Both Worlds. It was so fucking good that it helped to legitimize sci fi as something you didn't have to be a nerd to enjoy, something more than a niche market that belonged to social rejects. There were plenty of good episodes after that, and even DS9 had some quality moments here and there, but it was a slow downhill slope that never showed any signs of reversing the trend. Then the TNG movies obliterated the legitimacy the series had worked so hard to build up by being unapologetic suckfests that even the hardcore fanboys had a hard time defending. Having been one of them I remember the moment I decided to abandon the franchise. I was walking out of the theater after watching Insurrection and I turned to my friend and said, "I feel like I just spent $8 to watch a regular episode of the show". In Generations the stakes were high and the acting was good, plus they brought in William Shatner, and killed Kirk. Not a great movie but not embarrassing either. First Contact at least *looked* like a movie that people gave a shit about and it had an emotional core that kinda sorta did the job. But I walked out of it pissed off at how they'd ruined the borg. The borg were scary precisely because there *wasn't* an individual running things. They couldn't be "bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with"...then they watered down the best Star Trek villain ever from an unstoppable force of nature into the cliched mindless drones of an even more cliched evil overlord. It was *worse* than boring...they took the great white shark of the Star Trek ocean and pulled it's teeth. But for all it's problems First Contact was the last time anyone gave a shit or put any kind of recognizable effort into anything Star Trek related. The rebooted franchise it just a cheesy sci fi action flick that follows the "safe box office success" formula in lockstep. I realize I'm not saying anything that hasn't been said 100 times before. I realize the guys who run this site have said this exact same thing far, far better than I'm saying it now. But I feel like I need to say something because I just *do not understand* how anyone can get excited about Star Trek anymore. Honestly, I'd love a reason to entertain hope. But I just don't see it.


Let’s take this to the next level. We need a Star Trek Galaxy episode that features a time travel encounter with the Star Trek Enterprise crew. Unbeknownst to everyone on both crews, Captain Archer has been replaced by Sam Beckett from Quantum Leap. Scott Bakula playing Scott Bakula. Bam, instant Quantum Leap reboot is ready to go. We’ll call it “Star Trek Galaxy: Quantum Leap Edition: The Enterprise Awakens”.


Honestly if the phasers don't form a solid beam I'm out from the get go


I would say Deep Space Nine is the peak of Star Trek in the 90's. Don't get me wrong if we are talking best episodes they may be tied with TNG however in terms of overall quality Deep Space Nine was the best show. On average their fillers were far more interesting than TNG. As for Enterprise it would have been a perfectly OK show if they didn't write such dumb interactions between the crew and the past setting really hurt them as a giant laser that's tearing the earth a new supersized grand canyon is not something the history books tend to leave out. Voyager was a really mixed bag although the characters were slightly better written than Enterprise. Ironically while I do agree regarding your Borg queen criticism she was pretty much the only useful villain in all of Voyager aside from that hunting race who liked to toy with holograms. The rest of them were all pretty dull villain of the week types. That being said the idea behind that show wasn't bad in itself if they had just decided not to throw the ship so god damn far into the quadrant. It was obvious by the last seasons that they were really running out of ideas. The most annoying weirdness though was probably Seven of Nine falling for Chakotay after one holodeck dinner. I mean if there ever was desperate fillers that's a 10/10 :p TL;DR Watch Deep Space Nine then retroactively watch TNG from season two and onward. Alternatively looked up the most loved episodes from season 1 and watch those. Skip Voyager and maybe take a look at Enterprise if you wan't to watch a comedy and are looking to take lessons in bad script writing.


My pitch: the Federation is taken over by an improved evolution of the brain parasite from "Conspiracy" (modern political allegory). The Klingons find out and go to war, nearly destroying both civilizations. Picard comes out of retirement to lead the Resistance from a salvaged Galaxy-class which acts as the flagship of a rag-tag fugitive fleet. So you get the "Wagon Train to the stars" thing as they travel around the outer planets trying to enlist help from various sources.


I hope Mike doesn't venture too far into the comments of other star trek videos. Those guys jerk off to Dominion war footage and want non stop war everywhere all the time so they can talk about starship stats like they are pokemon. The Akira class is the best because it has lots of Torpedo tubes and an attack rating of 4000 (read that in the internet guy voice) I'm just so sick of war...


They'll hand Picard his old uniform, he'll take one look at it, toss it over his shoulder.


There are some good ones out there.


Man.... Now I want this show. Brilliant ideas guys.


We need a low-budget slockfest version of this, it writes itself and Mike already has the uniform.




I like the time travel idea Rich had - You could have the Macguffin Drive that throws them through time and space at intervals and was installed by an alien species on the USS Galaxy. They don't really know how to control or target the device and they can't get home. The only thing about that is it gives me a bit of a lost-in-space vibe. Another way it could be done is a wormhole to Andromeda... Star Trek Andromeda... can't get home because of distance. Involve the Traveller dude that (shut up) Wessley buddied up with in TNG. Explore ancient alien races that shaped our galaxy from their home in Andromeda - figure out why they went extinct and discover the looming doom over our own galaxy in the process. Yet another idea would be that the USS Galaxy has been sent back through a rip in space by one of those ancient alien races and the rip starts to spread through the galaxy. The USS Galaxy had reappeared not terribly far outside of Federation territory, but part of the spreading rip is that the Warp Limit is no longer Warp 10, but Warp 2 (or something) (references the damage to space-time being created by warp engines in one TNG episode). Time anomalies keep appearing throughout. This lets them travel to various places (outrunning the spreading rip) and also limits the ability of help to get to them, but doesn't completely remove access to other Federation ships.