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Star Wars: The Last Plinkett Review

Mr. Plinkett examines Star Wars Episode 8 The Last Jedi.


Bill Lehecka

Surprise, motherfuckers!








I’m gonna cuuuuum


let us give thanks 🙏🏼


No fuckin way




Fuck yes


That's my next hour sorted then.


*Me Busy at work, Checks Email* oh no... ohhh noooo


My body is ready.


Mr Plinkett, you freaky old bastard! You come through again and give me a reason to not hang myself on a door knob


I just got my copy of Pass Thru today and now THIS? It’s like Christmas.


It is NOT FAIR that I'll have to wait 13 hours before I can watch this...


FUCK. How am I supposed to get Pizza Rolls delivered to my desk at work? You fucks!


What are you? A Christmas elf! Are you a tiny man who can dangle from a door knob?


uuuOOOOhhhhhh - just got hit by a surprise Plinkett Attack! Oh what a lovely Day :D


What the hell I got class to teach and you drop this on me now?!


Good thing my job is boring. Teehee!!


Well, I know what I’m doing this evening now. Thanks for the surprise RLM!


*extremely Rich Evans voice* OH MY GODDDDDDDDD!!!!


Wonderful surprise. thanks.


anyone think patreons should get it earlier? I mean, im paying $15 a month lol


w00t and on work-from-home day, too!


I was tired of nitpicking TLJ BEFORE it was a Plinket review!


Thanks, Guys: I had a death in the family on Sunday and i'm taking it very, very badly. This video was the first time I've laughed since. Thank for brining me a little joy.


Very cool!

David Banes

Oh boy I get to hear the 'subverted expectations' joke for an hour!


Thanks RLM, I love the out of context clips from interviews, haha. My only argument for the whole Poe thing, he just got demoted for disobeying orders and getting a ton of people killed. He probably should have been put in jail imo. instead they demote him and try to distance himself from any plans, but they knew he'd get involved. he should have been put in custody.


was I the only one that was hoping for Wish Upon instead?


Theres no doubt you'll tear the film and RJ & cronieis a new asshole, I just hope its as extremely brutal as it should be😁


My expectations have never been more subverted


I hope not the last Mr Plinkett review. What am I paying you guys for!?


I really liked the comparison to Lampoon's. That plus the deleted scenes really shows what RJ's initial idea was towards this movie

Josh Marjonen

Thank you guys so much seriously!!!!! IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!

Marvin Falz

1) Thank you, Mr. Plinkett. 2) I can't look at the images of TLJ and not hate them. 3) Compared to TLJ even the somewhat generic and substance-lacking pilot for Star Trek: Voyager is solid; the setups of the personal relationships are not interesting at all imo, but at least the relationships, the motivations and actions make sense. Time to revisit Voyager and TNG.


Plinkett's reviews are group therapy for shitty Star Wars films.


Those deleted scenes... Daauumm

Kyle Williams

This is probably the first time I disagreed with most of the takes in a Plinkett Review. I'm not saying it is a perfect film by a long shot, but I really feel like if I went through the previous Plinkett Reviews of Star Wars movies I could probably find you contradicting yourself with what you said in this review. For instance, you make a big deal about how Picard would handle the situation when you've more than once said that Star Wars and Star Trek are fundamentally different properties. I'm not going to go into it any further though as one of the saddest things in the world is an internet commenter complaining about a video. I love your work overall, just disagree with you on this one.


The Wine Tasting was perfect; my favorite part of the review. Now I want more RLM short films starring Rich Evans.


I think he just used Star Trek to show an example of what a competent crew might look like

David Banes

"So the movie just throws us in at break neck speed rather than giving us a chance to see our characters." Yeah it kind of helps give the sense of urgency the Resistance is experiencing. Remember how Star Wars opened up with spaceships shooting at each other and then a gunfight in the corridors? When I heard this nitpick I pictured Rich Evans giving one of his sarcastic gasps during Best of the Worst.


Honestly, thank you so much for this, guys. This review gave me some genuine closure with the movie. All other reviews for TLJ are immaturely hyperbolic and only fueled my anger for it instead of teaching me anything, so I really appreciate the informed insight into what went wrong in the creation of this film.


yeah boi


I disagreed with most of this review, but I still love you guys. <3


What a pleasant surprise to find in the feed. I will say, seeing scenes from the Original Trilogy played next to those from the Sequels just rips my heart out. God I love those movies. The old ones, I mean. The new ones aren't very good; they don't make you feel all that much. Maybe a little nauseous and frustrated. Not much emotional impact though.


Love you guys


The fact that Mi.... errr, Plinkett got in three Star Trek references brings joy to my cold dead soul.


Half in the Bag you were all "Meh" but now it's Plinkett Worthy? Something feels off, like this was made because you knew the YouTube TLJ hate train would lap it up. Hope I'm wrong. Sorry guys, but I couldn't get through it.


I get what you're saying, but I think that they had to put a cap on reviews of this series. 'Cause of Plinkett.


I really do get a sense of finality with Plinkett reviews in general with this video. While that may be a possible hyperbole, I do think you guys deserve a break from SW-related content. Do reviews of other films...like Wish Upon. Don't let the possible minuscule views stop you. Also, the lack of "I Squeeze Gats" startled me.


Like TLJ itself, I had to rewatch your review. I think I like it more upon second viewing but I wished there was more exploration of the state of Star Wars. Like Post-TLJ. But I feel you have already talked about most of these points already. Like in your Comic Con review, your analogy of a red-neck winning the lottery was perfect. Repeating that here would've been moot. So I appreciate the dissection of the script, structure and tone. Hope we get that Plinkett review of "Follow That Bird." They had Big Bird's character all wrong.


This was probably a tough one to do, as most of the criticisms have been rehashed repeatedly, and at this point I think everyone has a pretty good understanding of why the film is so flawed. With the prequels, I think people hated them and didn't really understand why (even if their brains did) until Plinkett came along and fucking NAILED it in excruciating detail. Anyway, I still found this one insightful and entertaining.


Awesome episode, I wish there was more I plinkett in a chair POV but I think Mike is busy so at least we got this and it was great


Like Plinkett I'm going to have to sit out ep 9. They've broken my far far away heart. Nothing more to discuss other than the weak sauce that is yet to come "How weak will it be?" Hux and Kylo Ren die, First Order crumbles. There now we all saw it.


The part about it playing like a mad cap comedy rings very true to me. I found myself really puzzling through the movie in the weeks after I saw it— for every poorly executed plot pint there was a well done one. But this is a good overall as to why the film’s script is so uneven. I do really love Domhall Gleason as Hux, even if the comedy baffoonery goes way too far. Another thing that puzzled me— if everyone in canto bight got rich selling weapons, I assume it was to the First Order? How long have they been buying weapons, to get these people so rich there’s a whole casino planet of them? It seemed like the First Order was new on the scene as of Force Awakens. Unless the Republic was stock piling weapons like mad?


Great review as always. I thought TFA was ok, it set up the trilogy well. But TLJ was just so heavy handed and obvious with the messaging that it stopped being an escape which is what’s so magical about the original trilogy. I saw Star Wars in China when I was 5 back in the early eighties and it just blew my mind and fired up such excitement and opened a whole new world in my mind no matter what country culture or society it just spoke universal human desires. Love, adventure, finding out who you are, overcoming adversity. I don’t want to be told being rich is bad, gambling is bad, being mean to animals is bad, etc. in a space fantasy! I think lighting up our own imaginations and belief in ability to be successful no matter where you come from and doing it through the story and not being so obvious is what I think Star Wars should be about. I really dislike how they did the female characters in the new series, Leia in the original series was an awesome character and this was in the seventies! What I got out of it was that strong, independent women with leadership skills is normal and attractive. It was natural, the new stuff is just so forced it makes me wince just watching it. None of the characters are interesting just put in there to push a message, they are not likable except Rey. When did fantasy movies stopped being about escaping and started becoming social studies?


Plinkett, the best thing about a new star wars movie.