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Also, while recording the commentary track, Mike noticed that you could see a very obvious crew member (possibly the focus puller?) in a window reflection during the scene where Miguel Ferrer is snorting coke with two ladies. Maybe others have pointed this out, but it was the first time any of us noticed it!




That is the boom operator in reflection. He’s leaning forward in a way that indicates he’s doing his damndest to avoid all the reflections in that room. I hate to call out a fellow Boom op, but we’ve all had it happen and if it’s not to glaring an error it can slip right through post production. My current show (Star Trek Discovery) has had a few mics and wireless packs in it, but I’ll never tell where.


Nice. Never noticed this one. You can also see the camera crew reflected in the monitors during the long take opening the first boardroom scene.


Bitches, leave.


For a second I thought youbguys were reviewing a movie called Robocrew. Now Im sad because Robocrew sounds exactly like the sort of movie you guys would watch on Best of the Worst. Then I saw youre doing a fullblown commentary track which is actually even better. Kudos!


When i first saw that on tv i believe the lines was dubbed to be, "Ladies, please." Made Boddicker come off a lot more polite overall in the film.


That's a statue of the Greek god of boom mics


Bitches leave.


Are you gonna call me?


Because the cast are sitting low on the chesterfield, he’s not holding the boom pole up over his head but at his own head height, which is why his forearm is extended out in front of him like that. You can actually see him lean slightly forward to get the line from the woman with cocaine on her chest. He was trying to get his body back as far as he could. At the tail end of the shot as the camera pans right slightly he’s out of frame again.


I hope it´s the Director´ s Cut! With all the bloody goodness.


How about when Robocop throws Clarence through the glass you can see it pre-shatter.