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Half in the Bag: Solo: A Star Wars Story

Mike, Jay, and Mike's drug induced hallucination name Rick Evans talk about the most unanticipated anticipation of a movie called "Solo: A Solo Wars Star Wars Solo Story"



Yes! Been waiting for this one...

Bill Lehecka

I’m guessing this is going to go exactly how I think it will.


I've got a baaaad feeling about this ®.


That's not Chewie from Solo, that's Chewie from RotS.. :O


I see you have more Vampire Assassin DVDs, Mike?




Waiting for Mike to blow his pod...


About goddam time you hacks!


My good friend asking me to prom in a Darth Vader mask (and saying “I find your lack of a prom date disturbing”) is a better Star Wars story than Solo


Aw, I hoped this Half in the Bag was gonna be for Show Dogs


Of course the Empire has an over-engineering train. They're useless with appropriate transport - they go for enormous, slow walkers on vast open snowy plains, and 600mph speeder bikes in dense forests.


100% agreed with Jay.


I think Carrie Fisher was wrong when she said "it's about family". Star Wars is about a top half darth maul teaming up with Obi-Wan Kenobi to beat a bottom half darth maul spider robot.


I'm 100% with Jay. It's weird (and scary) to see after all the whining about TLJ on the internet how many people (including Rich and Mike apparently) enjoy this below average, lazyly written, snoozefest. If this was a "fun ride" then the lesser Marvel films are masterpieces.


I like the collection of Vampire Assassin accumulating there. Hope the copy I sent is one of them.


HSASWS was mainly a nice fluffy summer-flick. Jay is expecting too much I think.

Marvin Falz

The opening and the ending of this HitB are well done!

Vladdy Bladdy

The adults are talking now.


Sorry in advance.. They covered obiwan Darth maul in Star Wars rebels, twas quite subtle and a good episode


I knew I wasn't crazy!!! Solo made me respect the franchise again HURRAH


That was one of the best Half in the Bag episodes you guys did in a while. Thank you :)


I think I'm more or less on the same page as Rich Evans for this one - I think Rey also used some sort of Falcon escapepod in the Last Jedi -


The thing that puzzles me with Lucasfilm's intent with Maul returning is this - the movie really doubled down on the canon of the CLONE WARS / REBELS cartoons, not just that Maul is still alive, but all of his design, and other elements like the Pikes. But REBELS also killed off Maul for good in season 3 in a pretty classy (and shockingly restrained) 2 move lightsaber battle lasting less than 2 seconds - so are they bringing him back... but then can't kill him (again) onscreen because that appears in one of the cartoons most people haven't seen?


I do agree with Mike's point that Maul reflects a more Marvel style business model - I would go a step further to speculate that he's not just there for the Obi-Wan movie but will tie together Solo with the Boba Fett film, obiwan, Lando, any other "standalone" films - also I don't think they can resist the ultimate fan service pander to have Boba Fett & Darth Maul appear in the same film (and possibly fight?)


The Empire Strikes Back would be my favourite movie if the AT-AT commander had put his coffee cup down on the wee Vader hologram.


But what about Crazy McScissorpunch?


An evenly split decision? I don't know who or what to believe!

Josh Marjonen

Were the editing mistakes in this on purpose to make a meta joke about solo?


Don’t ever fade out without grabbing the chair


Rich Evans, I will see this movie now.


Exactly my thoughts when he popped up - (How) are they gonna be able to conclude this in a satisfying way for the only-movie-watching crowd?!


Jay confirmed for robo-phobic?


Mike's shocked face is priceless.


<a href="http://www.indiewire.com/2018/05/solo-star-a-wars-story-theatre-projection-problems-bradford-young-1201969989/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.indiewire.com/2018/05/solo-star-a-wars-story-theatre-projection-problems-bradford-young-1201969989/</a>


"Young talked about how his increasingly dark images are partially an artistic response to the dark times facing the world today."