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Half in the Bag Episode 146: Avengers: Infinity War

Thanos! In the hoooouuuuuse!



lol it does look more like Jay than Chris Evans

Michael Matzat

Issent there a reset planed to happen after the second part? I thought i read somewhere that the second Spider-Man "Homecomming" is supposed to kick of whatever is going to be the next big thing for them. They are really lucky if you think of it. Who the f ever cared about Thor, even IronMan i never felt as big about in the comics. Captain america... i just don't know, he's american, i guess he is a lot bigger over the pond than in germany... they build them all up very nice, but since they were forced to bring spider-man super late due to sony they now got a new (likely marvels most well known) Hero to build whatever is next around. And once they are don with that DC will just tap out and allow Disney to do the Amalgam Storyline in 10 more movies. >_>


The good thing is now they will have a fuckton of x-men to pick from for the new avengers team.


Great episode! Rich Evans, have you grown more hair? Lookin good bubba. Keep kicking ass


Last Jedi’s “subverting expectations”failed because most of the time they subverted it for something really, really dumb. And you became aware that it was a trick they’d decided to do in the film, so you started to expect them. These were less frequent and not dumb, so when they happened, they hit home.


the fourth wall breaks in this were sublime

Marvin Falz

Hahaha, that ending where Mike imitates the face on the cup, looney tunes (or similar) music playing in the background. Made me laugh. Great job.


Well, they certainly subverted my expectations. Rich character's name wasn't Rich Somethingsky, but it wasn't completely different either.

Josh Marjonen

It really does look more like jay than chris evans lol


Great episode, fellas. I think the question everyone’s dying to know to answer to (besides who sculpted that handsome Captain America figure) is what did Evan Richards say in the beginning that was bleeped out? The patrons demand to know or they will shake their fists at the sky


Fan theory: The ending scene with Thanos seeing young Gamora and waking up to the beautiful sunrise felt like he was in an alternate plane of existence — heaven? He claimed he would eliminate half the universe’s population fairly, with no favoritism. What if he happened to be one of them and faded to dust too? Now the gauntlet is just sitting somewhere on a planet surrounded by a pile of Thanos ash waiting to be picked up by Capt. Marvel or something.


After Infinity War, we went out for ice cream and overheard a family who hadnt seen it yet discuss. The Dad was convinced that "Hulk is the only one who can fight Thanos because of his size" Buckle up, Dad, your expectations are about to be defied! (hopefully in a satisfying way for him)


I don't think its a coincidence that none of the original Avengers got dusted - I think they will do something to bring everyone back - but then they will be phased out in the process - perhaps each taking a gem to become a movie version of The Infinity Watch team from the comics - would be a good send off for those characters without murdering them all on screen


Given Jay's heritage, we can now call him 'Captain Native American'. Given Marvel's clear adoration of RLM, expect one of their executives to read this comment. Given Marvel's willingness to cash in on any and all minor characters in order to churn out more movies - expect 'Captain Native American' to be in your local theatre by 2022...

Daniel Staniforth

Have you guys heard Leo Fong is going to be in an upcoming Len Kabasinski movie? (Onless Thanos can stop it from happening) How much do we need to raise to fly you guys out for a cameo as Guys Getting Punched?


Pure Speculation, but I have a feeling that Cap and Bucky will end up taking the Soul Trial in the next movie and Red Skull will make more sense in that context


Pleeeeease review Super Trooper 2 on Half in the Bag


Looking snazzy Rich

Vladdy Bladdy

Do a plinkett review of infinity war and dissect why it works comparatively with justice league, the same way Mike did Phantom menace and new hope, would be awesome


Maybe after Avengers 4 comes out, but Plinkett tends to only come out on things that really grinds Mike's gears nowadays.


Finally got around to watching Infinity War and I have to say I am a bit disappointed that you guys didn’t discuss how batshit crazy it is. Also zero character development except for perhaps Thanos(?) I am not sure what this is but it is not a movie anymore. I am not saying I didn’t enjoy watching it but really... how can this be sustainable for the film industry?


...you seem to be treating it like it was a standalone movie, and not number 14 in a series that has been building up to it... Thanos was the only character that needed developing, the rest have had multiple movies to do so. That was the whole point.