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Rich Evans is: The TIE Fighter!




This is seriously the best thing I've seen in a long time. I really hope Mike brings this up in a BotW episode!


Rich Evans is doing his Low Blow impression


This should be a comic book series


This needs to have a crossover with Horse Ninja.


More please! This is gold. Dutch pirate gold.


These are wonderful!

Kendel Fargo

Wow, these are great.


Mild mannered Rich Evans became "The Tie-fighter," after a botched suicide attempt.


So my friend and I have been debating over what movie you should re:view, and after each comparing a list of 10 films there was only one movie that was on both of our lists and that movie is Waterworld. Think about it. It's one of the most expensive bombs of all time. The Universal Studios theme park kept it as a live-action attraction until 2016 (wtf?!) which constantly reminded hundreds of thousands of people of its dubious existence. Dennis Hopper is totally over the top, calling people Yucky Freaks, and they use oars to row an oil tanker around. I don't think there's anything more to be said until you guys say it yourself. We'll be waiting. Oh and bring The Tie Fighter.


This deserves to be in the New Yorker


What? I just saw the live action Waterworld show a week ago! Here to report it's alive and well at least at the Universal Studios in Hollywood. The bleacher seats were completely packed for a night showing in the cold. It's absolutely fascinating and surreal that it still exists. As I was sitting there I also thought the movie would be a perfect candidate for RLM to pick apart so I completely concur.