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Half in the Bag: Ready Player One outtakes


Marvin Falz

Robot original artwork by Frank Kelly Freas in 1953: <a href="https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--kZg63MIT--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/18s3sypm873t4jpg.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--kZg63MIT--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/18s3sypm873t4jpg.jpg</a>


Something's missing in that episode. I can't quite put my finger on it. Because if I did, I would probably crush it. With my giant finger. Relative to his size. Get it? Because JAY IS SO TINY and also not in the episode! Do you get it? Oh God, I miss Jay... heu, I mean, Jay's missing.

Bill Lehecka

It’s a shame Jay was in a contract dispute for this episode and they had to replace him with scab labor.


The minute Rich says "games," you can see Mike just glaze over because it isn't Star Trek related.


Maybe Mike and Rich could play Star Trek Online together on Pre-Rec.


The Holy Trifecta: Mike and his Star Trek, Jay and his obscure surrealist horror films, and Rich and his animated children's tv show about a ghost boy from 2004


Plagiarism!!! Although it seems to encompass all of Booker's seven basic plots.


Haha all of that should have been in the actual video review, especially what Mike was saying about the Queen robot, which I knew nothing about.

Marvin Falz

You've given me an idea! Unfortunately I'm no artist, if I was I would draw the robot and instead of the four members of the Queen band, I would draw at least Mike, Rich and Jay.


Ha! The iron giant I’m sure was made as an anti war and anti gun movie and was even dedicated to the memory of Brad Birds sister after she was murdered via gun violence but ok, I guess seeing it stomping around blasting the crap out of everything alongside the Delorean from Back to the future is enough of for this movie. Honestly I don’t think Ernest Cline understands his own references.

Vladdy Bladdy

I'm pretty sure Mike cut out the part about loot boxes b/c he thinks video games are stupid, but I think that's an interesting point to bring out