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Last night, we all watched the rough cut of Space Cop for the first time. Rough cuts can be tough to watch because so many elements are still not in place. But in this case, even with most of the visual effects and sound effects missing and there being no color correction and little sound mixing, but even in this very rough form, the movie played better than I would have expected. Some scenes need to be tightened and there's still a ton of post work to do, but things are shaping up nicely. --->jay



Time to chug some Red Bull and get cranking.


Space Cop. He comes from the future… of space.


During which televised sporting event or underwhelming primetime drama will the trailer debut?


Thanks for the update Jay!


Can't wait to see it! I've only been waiting like, a billion years. Any thoughts on what the running time may be?


Happy to hear it. I'm sure in the end it will all rhyme like poetry.


I can't wait. Space Cop is gonna move RLM to the BIG time. $800,000 profit.


How many copies of Nukie will it take to finish it?


Do the visual effects in-progress include 3D scenes of Rich Evans falling down and/or breaking household objects? The fans demand ENHANCED boobery, Jay. Also. Thanks for the update. You should consider some kind of... release screening thing. I'll mail a filthy red carpet to your offices this evening to get the ball rolling.

William Sircin

Hooray! It doesn't suck too much!


How strange; I'm more excited for Space Cop than any mainstream film this year. Can't wait!


fingers crossed for a limited edition, adult only, directors cut-extended edition. with space cop figurine.


That is exciting! It must have been gratifying after all the hard work to at least get to see a version of the movie, even if not the final version.

Andre K

Sounds great Jay! Congratulations on a successful first rough cut!

Don Bright

i know right? im thinking about camping out in front of ... uh.. my laptop... ??


Awesome news Jay! I already love everything RLM and PreRec put out, considering how much work you guys have been doing it is amazing you can release all you've been releasing. I honestly do not recall the last time I wanted to see an upcoming movie this much. Not since I was a kid, wanting to see Return of the Jedi or Batman but knowing I had to wait until summer. It's a good feeling! Space Cop will be awesome. But even it was terrible a la Gorilla Interrupted or cheesy a la Feeding Frenzy, I would STILL love it to death. You guys are like early John Waters: if you just do what you and your pals do, it's impossible for you to fail.


It's stylistically designed to be that way.


The color correction is what I'm looking forward to the most. Nothing says High Tech like 6500K.


When Space Cop comes out where will we be able to see it? Will it be a dvd release?