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Half in the Bag Episode 142 Outtakes


Marvin Falz

They find out in Operation: Annihilate that the plastic bacon is like a brain cell which connects with the other brain cells to form a huge intelligent life form, which is able to tap into the human nervous system and take over control and even punish. But the bacon doesn't look menacing. What bothers me with that episode is Spock's inner eyelid, which even he has forgotten about, but which saves his day.


Sometimes these Outttakes episodes are wonderful little editing lessons.


jay, be nice to mike! 😭


I like that Jay remains politely interested when Mike is narrating endlessly about Star Trek.


I could listen to Mike talk about Star Trek for an hour podcast every week.


Jay either does not understand or understands the audience too well. I mean, Leoroc and Mike are correct that all this Star Trek talk is gold and should not be cut flippantly. But, Jay has us paying 15 bucks to see it, so....


I'd genuinely love a series in which Jay watches the entirety of TNG and talks to Rich and Mike about what he's seen. An episode-by-episode one would be impossible but maybe a recap chat for an hour at the end of each season, or something along those lines. There's something endlessly watchable about Rich & Mike's amused nostalgia and Jay's mild bemusement when it comes to Star Trek.


Peter Kelly I would happily double my 15 bucks if we actually got that.


As soon as I wrote that I realised that it wouldn't really work, though. Jay never having watched Star Trek is why his 'polite interest' whenever Mike shoehorns it into HitB or BotW is so entertaining. Making him watch it all and discuss it would ruin that, just like an hour-long discussion of each TNG season would ruin the occasional glimpses into Rich & Mike's appreciation of it that we get from re:Views. It's like asking to see more jedis or lightsabre battles or backstory for the space jockey; I think I want it, but it isn't really what I want, and it'll ruin the magic I've already got.


OMG don't make Jay watch Star Trek. That's just mean. He likes OTHER things, and that's ok. The HUMOR comes from Jay's complete disinterest.


How about instead of making Jay watch Star Trek, they make Jay sit there and listen next time Mike and Rich discuss Star Trek: Discovery?