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Finally! A Romulin Warbird toy built to scale with the action figures! Things get a little awkward when it comes time to use the bathroom. (This post was made by Jay or Rich) 



Bill Lehecka

Thank God I'm a Patron, otherwise I'd miss out on this fabulous news.


Warbirds are easy to track because they leave a trail of piss bottles.


I'm gonna put money on it being Jay because of 'Romulin'.


Looks kinda grey (isn’t it supposed to be green?) Other than that it’s exactly how I pictured the inside of a warbird.


Series pitch: “Jay and Rich Talk Star Track”: Jay sits there like a deer in headlights while Rich talks about how unevenly written Voyager was.


Okay Mike.


Wow they looked way bigger on the show.


This must be the episode where Picard dressed up like a Romulan and grew to ENORMOUS SIZE as a result of exposure to radiation. Also known as the Pepsi Syndrome. (It says right there on the package, "Twice the overall length as a Galaxy class something or other"...)


"That is the exploration that awaits you: not mapping stars and studying nebula, but charting the unknown possibilities of merchandising."


Also, more informed geeks than I tell me that a Romulan D'deridex class warbird's height is approximately 237 meters. Based on Sela's sitting pose here, she's likely as tall the warbird when standing, if not taller. Rounding her down to the ship's height puts the feisty Romulan Operative at around 778 feet tall, which is almost 7 times the height of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. I don't know what my point is but Ghostbuster 2016 is still a terrible movie. Time for my medicine.


But Romulin is close to Insulin, so now I'm not so sure.

Michael Nuccio

This post is so Star Trek, its authorship is in superposition.


Two persons who know nothing about Star Trek talk about Star Trek while Mike stands in a sound-proof booth, hearing the conversation through headphones but incapable of correcting them.


When is the next Plinkett review?

Pete Michaelson

It’s great to see that Picard and Sela were able to work out their differences and work together in their mini warbird.


Post made by Jay or Rich? I think Mike's dementia is getting way out of hand. :(


I was hoping they meant "Finally, XXL shirts are back in stock!"


They all went into the Shimmer this last weekend, thinking it was the name for a cool bar.


I'm imagining mike's facial reaction as the horror dawns on him that it actually wasn't to scale.


That doesn't look twice the overall length of a galaxy


I used to have this toy when I was a tiny child. Why do you growed-ups have it?

David Perek

The Warbird Coupe Sela impulse bought during her midlife crisis.


you guys need to watch annihilation.