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Pink Flamingos - re:View

Jay and Josh discuss John Waters' cult classic celebration of trash, Pink Flamingos. Things get kind of gross.



I'm infinitely amused at how angry so many of the youtube comments are about this episode.

Leilani Joy

Hahaha my thoughts exactly! I've seen it up until the chicken scene, and I tapped out. haha


I appreciate the appreciation for this movie but still don't get it. Eh, to each their own.


I have a very busy day ahead but my reward late tonight is going to be my favourite Re:View duo talking about a fascinating filmmaker and movie. Thank you. Can't wait!!


Love the Re:View, but I don't think I'll be watching Pink Flamingos any time soon.


I need to know if Mike has watched it and what he thinks about it! 😱

Marvin Falz

This was actually really engaging. Pink Flamingos seems like a lot of fun in a trashy way and it is gaining from its weird- and grossness.


Managed to find it on ebay for £17.50 which is about $17.50. Can't wait!


I watched this in prep for this re:view and I regretted it. I'm kind of giving Jay and Josh that side-eye look now.


Well I won't be watching Pink Flamingos anytime soon, but I can't wait to recommend it to all my friends.


i quote the "kill everyone now" sequence constantly. i haven't seen the full movie, but that part is goddamn funny.


Right on!


I really appreciated this episode! I'm now happy to know that this movie existed.


I've watched Pink Flamingos exactly once in it's entirety. It was about 20 years ago at a rep theatre in my (then new to me) neighbourhood. I enjoyed this re:View since it reminded me of so many scenes that I'd tried to erase from my memory with drugs and alcohol. Thanks?


Got rid of my copy after the chicken scene. Its horrible and shameful


Well this is a Jay movie


After watching this re:View I must say I have no intention of ever seeing the movie. And Jay watching something like this at 14? Wow.


I can see the value of the exercise of a film like Pink Flamingos. I'm not easily shocked and I'm all for the pushing further of boundaries but I'm really ambivalent about seeing it. I think I would like to watch it first with someone who has already seen it. For comfort, I guess? Also, I got to ask : nothing is simulated in this movie, right? So, the incest blow job and the chicken sex scene are real?

Christian Dannie Storgaard

Unfortunately (or fortunately), I've blocked the chicken scene out of my mind, but if I remember the "incest" blowjob correctly, it's just a flaccid penis flopping around in Divine's mouth, more for show than anything actually pornographic.


JAY: you know John Waters actually appeared in Jackass 2?