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Hey all! If you happened to see our Twitter post the other day about Fandango screwing us out of our opening night tickets for The Last Jedi, that wasn't a joke. It threw our entire plans for a loop and there were a ton of already sold out shows for the weekend but we have now seen The Last Jedi and shot our review and it's being edited. We'll get it out as soon as we can but the movie was a lot of process.



It was garbage.


Did you guys end up seeing Ferdinand?


I loved it, I’m very curious what you guys thought of it


Yes! I can only rewatch the Nerd Crew so many times!


The movie itself is so baffling, hated leia ziplining through space, hated the casino scenes, hated the forced child at the end taking over, but there were some awesome scenes in the throne room with Snoke


Oh God, I can't wait to see what they thought about this pile of crap

Avatar Juan

(Slight spoilers) Predictions: Mike is going to hate it because he's burned out on blockbusters, Jay might like it for breaking some expectations people were predicting and Rich is going be meh on it. Though they will all agree the Casino terrible and was too much like prequels and bring up Dexter Jettster 50's diner. Also Rich fuck a porg again.


I really liked. They kinda cracked open the universe and now they can do anything they want, and I loved how they subverted expectations. Overall I loved how the good guys didn't win because of luck but rather because of wits and teamwork.


It's like....which one of the seventeen movies called The Last Jedi do you review in just one video. Good on you, RLM. Take all the time you need. I'll take 5 minutes of your honest opinions over some dork who got a red carpet picture next to a robot so he could post his 90 minute bs knockoff the same day 400 other mooks do. Any day. If you're still in the script-writing phase, watch for run-on sentences. God bless.

Bill Lehecka

“I can’t wait for RLM to tell me what my opinion of this film should be.” Most of the Internet, probably.


Nobody cares about The Last Jedi! I want to know who Ferdinand's parents are! And is he REALLY the Last Bull?? So many questions! Help us, RLM!


Thank god.


No worries, it'll be worth the wait. Thanks, you hack frauds!

John Haythorn

The effects when the cruiser goes light speed into the 1st order fleet looked rad. I felt like the movie didn't add up to much in the end though.


Cant wait to see it. Will this one get a Plinkett review too?


Ferdinand is adorable, fwiw.


Uh oh, watch out Jack and Rich, Mike and Jay might release it during the Pre Rec stream!




It really was a lot to process


Re-watching Episode 100 right now in anticipation for what's about to come.

John and Marcella

If be careful calling a theory a spoiler remember how many people called their theory that Rey was a Kenobi a spoiler.


sooo..no Ferdinand.unsubscribed.


That's some luck! Thanks for the update, can't wait for the review.


Someone at Disney probably has pull with Fandango, deathly afraid of how influential a review can be by a couple of guys from Milwaukee who make their friend fall down a lot.


I’d never heard of fandango before but i now hate them


Thanks guys! Keep up the awesome work


can't wait. people will finally stop defending the movie on the subreddit after the review is out


There were about eight people in the cinema when I saw it Friday, granted that was at 10.30 in the morning. For the record I enjoyed it, and thought it was much better than Force Awakens which I did not like.


It was completely different than I expected and I disliked it. THEN I watched it again without those expectations, and it was great, definitely a lot to process. Not a perfect film, but no ones childhood should be destroyed because of it, and fans should be open to the story and characters diverging from the status quo. Now for the sake of Rich, please get this review out before the PreRec stream tonight kthx

Toby Griffiths

More excited about this than the actual movie.


Few nitpicks aside, I thought it was great. The character development is really what shines in this one. The constant twists and turns were refreshing for a blockbuster. I can't remember the last time I didn't know exactly how a movie would end which is a great feeling. It meanders along for a bit which is common in sequels focused on getting us to know the characters better, but it all pays off majorly by the end.


I can't wait to see this, so I can watch the Half in the Bag too. I'm hearing a lot of good things about it, but I'm a sucker for these movies so I probably will like it either way.


Thanks for the update! Take your time, don't rush it out, I am eager to watch your review though :)


Forget that, when's the Ferdinand review?


Everyone including myself are anxious to hear your take but don't rush it!


Can't wait for the review, guys. It wasn't a perfect film but I still thought it was awesome. Looking forward to seeing what you think about it (so I can modify my opinion accordingly).


I'm waiting to see it when the theaters aren't so crowded, probably in a week or 2. Not worried about avoiding spoilers either /shrugs (SW stopped being an opening night thing for me about 5 disappointments ago)


I think the movie had some nice moments but I really really hate the movie. It has proven above all else that JJ Abraham had no fucking clue what he was doing. Who's reys parents? Who's SNOKE? Who cares!! 'Let the past die' kids cause we need to make 30 more movies like this over the next billion decades. Anyone can be a Jedi now, even you little janitor child from casino night zone! M.i.c.k.e.y. Em o u ess ee everyone's a winner!!!


I wonder if Fandango "losing" your opening night tickets was a deliberate attempt by somebody at Disney/Lucasfilm to forestall a potentially negative review. But regardless, I'm glad you finally got to see it and am looking forward to hearing your thoughts about it!

Michael Matzat

Liked the movie for what it was, the best of the five new movies but still feels kind of tacked on much rather than "needed to happen". At least we got something that felt like a new part of the story. I am sort of confused why there needs to be a trilogy now. It seems more or less finished. I mean, seriously, the main villain general got his balls cut of in the first scene of this movie, the main super sith god lord is dead now and replaced by an far less threatening seeming kylo... the next movie will just be disposing the garbage via the good guys than (and of cause us finding out about Reys real parents and how she is related to Ben wich than angry interview reviewers will claim only has happened because they bitched about this now instead of kylo, the fucking bad guy, lying to Rey...)


Based on the movie it would be more likely to think "Rian Johnson watched the plinkett reviews and listened to Rich Evans" than someone DIDN'T want them to see the movie


Take your time. We'll manage to survive. Or not, for some people.

Kassidy M Kearey

I really hope this is up soon, but not only that, that you get a Plinkett video done for Ep8. It needs it. It needs its large intestine turning into an interstate. The more we've been pondering it and picking it apart, the more it truly kills the saga.


Quick thoughts: The Last Jedi was a well done Star Wars movie with many big ideas and some very interesting character arcs. The Last Jedi not a good Force Awakens Sequel. When this trilogy is complete The Last Jedi, though interesting, swings way to much out of the park.


You guys should consider doing a re:View of the 1993 ILM classic Fire In The Sky!!!


This movie has been surprisingly controversial. I am looking forward to your review!


I need someone to tell me if it's okay to laugh at humor for 6 year olds while people are getting cut in half and murdered by the hundreds


Don't blame JJ, he set it up for a good second chapter. Blame Rian Johnson, the writer/director for episode 8 that threw the force awakens out the window


The more I think about it the more confused I am by it. But there's so much happening in the film that I'm not sure anyone thought it through. It has a Suicide Squad-esque editing problem. I did have fun, though. So I can't totally bash it.

George Ray

Man, I think I'm more anticipate for this HiTB episode than I was for the actual movie! I did enjoy TLJ, but it has many pacing and tone problems and Rose is a useless character. Can't wait to see the guys reactions to it!


the anticipation is killing me


There, at the end of the world, beneath the bloody hooves of those horsemen ushering in the eternal doom, Disney will still be making utterly generic and inoffensive Star Wars movies.




Yes! Can't wait for the review


DO IT!!!


You should reenact the titty milking scene with Rich.

Rich Auntie Skeleton

Trying to keep the kids on Facebook from posting spoilers till your review comes out is getting out of hand. Pleeease, hurry.

Daniel Staniforth

I hope Internet Superstar Rich Evans is in it, I always enjoy it when he joins for the superheroes and Star Wars


Was it Majestic in Brookfield? They sold tickets for Thursday 12/14 to a theater layout that was being remodeled. Had to re-assign seats for Fandango ticket holders at the door. Total mess

Toby Griffiths

Hopefully it wasn't 1 in the morning this time.

Kevin King

What was your least favorite part of Last Jedi and why was it the Ready Player One Trailer?



David Banes

I hope they enjoyed it. Me and my best friend really enjoyed it last night.

Toby Griffiths

Guys, Disney called, they want the video up in an hour...

Michael Middleton

Part of me wants them to take all the time they need to best pursue their creative vision for this review...but the other part of me can't function as a person without knowing how these hack frauds feel about the movie!!!


I literally will not watch the Last Jedi until your review comes out, and your review will determine my choice to see it or not. I am patient. Do your THANG


God damn. At this point you have to make it a reView episode.


Guess we have to assume they drank poisoned kool aid after seeing it


Awww.... I was hoping for an in-depth Ferdinand review.


Commenting because I just can’t wait


I'm picturing Jay sitting on a couch watching an obscure 80s horror film, when suddenly Mike passes by the room and asks him if he's uploaded the new HitB yet. Jay then nonchalantly replies, "eh, it can wait" before munching on some popcorn.


I was wondering if it was a deliberate ploy. I felt like you might be trolling people a la Transformers, delaying until after everyone has seen it/reviewed it already so you're not drowned in the ocean of SEO vids on Friday, or maybe even to save your review until multiple viewings so you can have a more informed opinion than the 4AM delirium of the TFA review. Now I'm wondering if Disney had an agreement with Fandango to deliberately sabotage you.


Our expectations for a HitB today are being subverted, rian johnson directed this episode!


You guys better be drinking Zevias for this Ferdinand review or I am going to be really mad.


Personally, I loved this review


I mean me personally I will love this review.


I say take your time and get it right! I'm waiting until next week to see it anyway because my nephews aren't free until after Christmas, and I'd like to see it with them, so I'm in no rush. I don't even mind seeing spoilers before I go in: even if I know what happens, I can still enjoy the execution (or enjoy how bad it is).