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Hey everyone, we have a new commentary track! It's for Tommy Wiseau's masterpiece The Room! As always, if you would like a free download code, send us a direct message here on Patreon and let us know. We'll do our best to get you a code within a day or so of getting your message. Please send us a direct message and not just a comment on this post.


The Room - Commentary Track, by Red Letter Media

The Room - Commentary Track by Red Letter Media, released 10 December 2017 you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you



They managed to make a picture creepier than Tommy Wiseau himself.

Bill Lehecka

Eh, I still gave you a dollar. Because you’re worth it.


I am new to this, how do I direct message?


It doesn't say when we should start the commentary... At what point should we start the commentary?

Poo In An Alleyway

Go to the 'Overview' page and you'll see a set of dots and 'More' next to the 'Share' button under the RLM profile picture. If you click the dots, it'll bring up the option to PM them.


You know what they say... love is blynd.


Didn't know you guys gave out free codes to supporters, that's really cool of you.


Y’all kick ass!


I haven't seen this. Is it a hurr hurr bad movie or a slap your forehead bad movie or a I just wasted two hours of my life that I could have spent googling birds with hats on movie?


Hi Fredrik, The Room is known as the Citizen Kane of bad movies - its very enjoyable to watch


Am I the only one who always just pays the $1 to download these things because I can't wait even a day to get the code?


I appreciate the free code, but you’re worth the $1.


It’s worth the price of admission

Rich Auntie Skeleton

I met Tommy twice and Greg once. Greg seemed like he was embarrassed by Tommy but good natured. No, Tommy didn't grope me, but he did say I was "burry byuutifal".


Thanks for providing me top notch entertainment while waiting for an appointment. The only drawback is that I look like a crazy person laughing by myself. Great commentary track !


paid 5 bucks anyway. Worth it


just take my money :)