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Nothing But Trouble - re:View

Jack and Rich Evans discuss the failed Dan Aykroyd brainchild Nothing But Trouble, starring Chevy Chase, Demi Moore, John Candy and Dan Aykroyd as both an elderly judge and a terrifying diaper baby.



I worked at a theatre when this came out. I’ve seen it more than you. First time I ever felt like I needed a shower after watching. I feel like I have PTSD when seeing clips! We were also running Ghost on the other screen.....for 24 weeks!! My job was a special kind of heaven/hell.

Taylor Hensley

I saw this as a child and it WAS a horror film.


Digital Underground was the only good thing about that dumpster fire.


as a kid I thought it was a horror movie.


"No." sums up this movie perfectly.

Lauren R

I'm surprised at how little discussion there is about this movie out there for as batshit as it is.


It's like a Rob Zombie Movie if Rob Zombie did Comedies.


I have a vague feeling that this movie would make my brain explodes. I prefer weird-artsy over weird-comedic and than again, it doesn't look that funny.


This movie was on HBO or some such channel a TON when I was a kid and so I watched it a lot. I remember making the roller coaster/bone masher with blocks in second grade and explaining it to my teacher...

Daniel Staniforth

I'd never heard of this movie before, and for that I am thankful

Stephen Bay

1. I can't believe they let Dan Aykroyd direct. 2. I can't believe they gave him 40 million dollars to do it!


yum i'm going to buy a hotdog tomorrow

Allen Brandt

I saw it as a horror movie as a kid, yet I was confused by it because I laughed a few times.


The hotdog scene is the best dieting aid I have ever seen.


Are you going to put any extended versions on SoundCloud anymore? I really like listening to those.


We haven't done that in a really long time. We decided to just make the actual video episodes longer instead of cutting so much out.


Convert them to audio!


As much as I hate watching this movie, it is a guilty pleasure for my brother and I; we saw it a ton on HBO as kids and quote it all the time.