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Justice League Outtakes



SO, how did DC explain the race change of The Flash in BvS? Is that part of The Flash's power? He can only change to a different oppression group? So a straight white man would be out of the question, but a gay white man is totally fine.


You said Flashpoint and I thought you were talking about the Westlake novel Flashpount in the Parker series. That would have been a good one, actually. We need more Parker movies.


im going to use the phrase "a complete piece of mess" in the future

Sarah Low

Hoo-boy!! Can't wait to dig into this one.

Sarah Low

Mike, you sure do love "The 300" by The Zack Snyder. Also, when googling his name to make sure I spelled it the right way I found out TZS was born in Green Bay!


Hi Rich. I imagine you won't see this but I'm also really curious about that Flash time travel sequence in BvS. I did notice that Flash seems to be wearing some sort of exterior armor when he's talking to Bruce in BvS? The helmet opens up like Iron Man and his normal suit is underneath. I'm assuming that it's supposed to be Flash from a time when Darkseid is already on Earth and fucking shit up, hence the extra armor? Superman also mentions stuff about Lois being "taken from him" in BvS during Batman's nightmare scene. So maybe Superman is aligned with Darkseid because Lois died and Flash goes back to warn Batman to keep her alive? I haven't seen JL and I don't really know jackshit about DC Comics, but I love time travel shit and that's just my guess.