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Half in the Bag Episode 130: Annabelle Creation

Mike and Jay re-watch a lot of missed summer movies and the most important one of all, Annabelle: Creation! They also discuss Rotten Tomatoes and uncover the truth behind a sleazy contest.



Thanks for this, guys. I think we need a good laugh after this week.


One of my favorite HITB ever! Mike is both scientist man and lawyer man now


Jesus on a pogo stick that contract was a real shitty thing of WB




Red Letter Media can expect an email from Chris Stuckmann soon.


There should be a horror movie called 'The Entrant' where the studio has a contest for someone to make a short horror film. But there's a secret contract that says you only get 50 bucks. OH MY GOD! Jump scare!


I think he was a copyright lawyer in real life (or maybe just a paralegal or whatever). In a BotW episode sometime in the last year (it all blurs together) one of the trash filmmakers was a lawyer that quit his job to go into film and Mike made an uncomfortable gesture like "uhhh who would do something so ridiculous".


I think you missed one for the spooky count at 34:46. 0/10. Removing support.


This was an excellent episode - great to get a bit of secret sauce regarding Jay's exchange with the director of the movie as well as the calling out of Rotten Tom's ratings and that devious contest. So devious! Nice work!

Jason S

Those push-ins on the stuckman reviews and that ending cracked me up.


I really enjoy Half in the Bag when there's a bit of detective work involved and/or an analysis of concomitant subjects. Very nice! Thanks for this.


I remember seeing that Lights Out tweet of Jay's. I didn't clap when I saw it again here.


I can actually confirm for you that certain sites and organizations get earlier embargoes than others. Vanity Fair and other trades that get full page spreads about movies often get to do reviews earlier and are more likely to give less-than-accurate reviews about films because they sold trades at some point thanks to the studio. Sites like Big Shiny Robot, which I used to write for, are forced to wait until release date or right before because we are independent and give honest reviews. Many people who work for big sites are not allowed to talk about their embargo dates but this has become a larger issue in recent years for sure. We noticed sites were running reviews before our embargo dates and were understandably upset that we were not able to negotiate the same embargo. Our email contact would always respond with: "We are sorry we are not able to change your embargo date."


I just checked with another writer and she said the most recent film she ran into issues due to conflicting embargo dates was Valerian.

Twit In A Hat

OK, guys, how much of that ending was ad-libbed? That was hilarious!


This is a very interesting and well done review and seems like it is getting responses from Stuckmann and Sandberg. It is always interesting to see the embargo thing brought up and see peoples responses.


The entire ending was ad-libbed. Just something we thought of when we were wrapping up.


Hilarious episode - that contest is so depressing, I mean I knew there would be some sort of sleazy catch, but that's absolute evil


This video had quite the impact. I can skip the obligatory blockbuster reviews and watch you guys break down hollyw


I am really late to the party on this, was just rewatching some old HITBs and had to comment. This video is full of true spooky tales of Hollywood, I got goose bumps! Somebody must have already mentioned this, but if not you might want to look up who used to own Rotten Tomatoes, and which studio still has a 25% stake in it. Comcast and Fandango also in this, it's truly a beautiful circle of life! I think the mystery might be solved! I'd be interested to know if anyone has observed this happening with other WB properties on RT. How's The Pattman doing?