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George A. Romero's Martin - re:View

Jay and Josh discuss one of several of George A. Romero's great non-zombie films Martin!


Jesse S

Should I watch the movie before the review


thanks, guys!


I'm not a real "Romero Fan" by any stretch, but that ending was very sweet. Well done Jay. (also Jay little home movie from being a kid was adorable)


Great re:View, perfect sign-off. Loved it!


If you have a way of legally watching the film, please do. But since the powers that be seem to be preventing that right now, I found this youtube video that seems to be in the right aspect ratio: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXNahvkiC48" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXNahvkiC48</a>


Very well done. Thanks guys!


That was really touching to watch. Thanks for this.


The homage to Romero in the last minute is, I think, a fitting tribute, and worthy of RLM Highlights.

Andre K

Jay, that ending was beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Lauren R

I'm surprised you guys didn't mention the radio station Martin calls into. It's the only time in the movie where people seem to accept him for who he is. Anyway great review. I watched Martin back to back with Alice, Sweet Alice once and both of them are very sombering films. I love 70s horror films for this reason, there's a real tragedy to them that I don't think is ever fully realized in any other decade.


This was my favorite re:View. Amazing work. He was lucky to have such awesome fans.


What a lovely and touching video! Thank you for spreading the word of Martin's lesser known films. He's an inspiration to all that work in the creative arts. All the best.

Daniel Frank

Martin is playing on 8/4 at the Cinefamily (old Silent Movie Theater) in LA: <a href="http://www.cinefamily.org/films/the-history-of-the-midnight-movie/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.cinefamily.org/films/the-history-of-the-midnight-movie/</a>#an-evening-w-ben-barenholtz-featuring-martin


Watched it for homework and loved it. So much 70s which which adds to the alien for me.


On the day of his passing I had a choice between The Dark Half and Martin. I chose poorly.


Best re:view so far!


Excellent re:View! I didn't know whether to check out Martin, but now I will. FYI, one weird 70s trend was to have drapes, bedspreads, and lampshades that matched the wallpaper...almost like the furnishings were embarrassed and wanted to hide. Which leads to the real reason for 70s wallpaper...the more people were distracted by it, the less likely they were to notice that what we were wearing was hideous.


RLM is my absolute favorite, but I found this episode unfinishable- no disrespect. Thanks for the content, regardless.


Aw such an awesome montage at the end, Jays genuine appreciation for George shines through beautifully! Great job loved it


Finally I watched Martin. I loved it. For some reason, though, the quick cuts to black-and-white ironic fantasy sequences seemed familiar. Then it hit me -- "Pork Pork in Space". Great job, Jay!