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I know you guys review movies and not stuff with words for reading, but you may enjoy reading the original screenplay that was leaked a few years ago. In the screenplay, a timid but frank discussion between Cooper and TARS (some of the dialogue was given to Dr. Mann in the film) about why they didn't just send robots because "when I die, I will see a diagnostic of my power systems, when you die, the last thing you will see is your children and it will drive you just a little bit harder. It seemed like it fit more with the theme of humanity needing to explore to survive, instead of the "love fuels warp drive" narrative.

Jonathan McGaha

I am so glad this Patreon is such a success. I've been watching your group's work for years and I'd always been concerned that one day it just wouldn't be worth the trouble anymore and the team would break. Not that this couldn't still happen, but 9k per month probably helps keep the hearts warm. Y'all deserve it; every nickel.


This movie hit me right in the good stuff. I really enjoy that swirling, careening narrative style in the second half, but I'm a weirdo to start with.


Oh...while I agree with what you had to say about the Blackhole...it was ambitious and has not aged so well.... but damned I can not agree with you on the score ! I loved the music from it. It was splendid John Barry atmosphere music. Another great Half in the Bag thank you :)


I didn't see the movie when it came out, but the story book and record is one of my fonest memories as a a kid. My best friend and I even did our own recorded parody of it: The Black Mole. I saw the movie later, but it didn't live up to my nostalgia. No idea about your review, though, I couldn't play it. I'm sure it's great.


Holy shit. Even the spammers are willing to pay money to visit this website and spew their filth.


For some reason I cannot access your channel on any Mac now. Desktop or iPad. I'm sad panda.

Don Bright

maybe its some kind of loophole in patreon.. if you click on 'cindy' it says she is not a patron.


I think Mr. Plinkett should lock you in his basement.


Are you guys using some sort of new way to stream videos? Didn't work the first 12 hours and can't make it full screen like when you use YouTube. I liked the little house floating in the lake. Also nice touch to have the blue water outside the window. Very well done with the effect inside of the house of motion in the water. Keep it up!


<a href="http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1202189&amp;rf=379221">http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1202189&amp;rf=379221</a>


So the city of Milwaukee meticulously replaced an antique hot air balloon as well as Mr. Plinkett''s old crap in the basement? Did they kill stray cats to replace the corpses in his basement? What's this? I seem to be fucking myself now.


whats up with all these spambots ?


I think we should release the Fuckbot 5000 on all these spambots.