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Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me - re:View

In anticipation of Showtime's revival of the series, Jay and Josh gush over Twin Peaks for 45 minutes! Specifically, their love for the much maligned prequel film Fire Walk With Me, directed by David Lynch.



Any one hear that IE is David Lynch's last movie ?


All right, show of hands, who else was introduced to Twin Peaks via that SNL sketch?

Julianne McCartney

I'm glad I'm not the only one who loved the song that played in the pink room.


Watching this put words on why I love David Lynch's work so much. As always, awesome video. Jay and Josh are my favourite Re:View duo.


Great discussion about a great show. The final episode was the only one I saw when it aired. I was shocked to see something like that on network, and I was calling friends the next day to find anyone that had taped the series. Thanks for this guys. Loved it.


Very, very good!


Hiding this as a reply so I don't clutter things up. At the Twin Peaks Festival a few years ago, I was taking a picture of Ray Wise, and when I looked through the viewer, he switched to "that Leland face". It startled me and I jumped slightly. And when I looked up from the camera, he went back to his normal face. Then he winked at me. He knew it would be freaky and was having fun with it. His special face only existed while I was taking the picture, which made it creepier, and he knew it. He did the dance for us too. He's a born entertainer.

Brian McKeon

Great discussion guys! You've inspired me to revisit Twin Peaks.


Very cool. Very cool.


Awesome re:View! Just what I was hoping for!


loved this


I have no idea what I just watched. I will say I enjoy watching people who are passionate about something discuss it, and in spite of having no interest in the content I still enjoy watching Jay and Josh go on about it for 45 minutes.


This was my wife's favorite Re:View yet. I think it's time we watched Twin Peaks again.


Re:View: Jay asks a question - Josh starts to answer - Jay interrupts by saying "well, before we get into *that* - repeat Great episode, fun duo!


Ebert's weird. His review of Blue Velvet had nothing to do with the movie itself, but that he perceived an actress was humiliated in making it. He felt personally uncomfortable with it. But audience discomfort was the entire point of the scene. She was trashed, and we had to feel it. There was nothing titillating about it. Ebert was a child.


Great discussion, loved this episode.