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The Acolyte - re:View

In this video, Mike tells Rich Evans to watch The Acolyte. Not because Mike and Rich love a Star Wars™.... I mean, perhaps somewhere deep down in their cold, dead hearts they still do? But Mike asks Rich to watch The Acolyte because Mike knows Rich is one of the most honest, unbiased people he's ever met. Rich will tell you like it is. He’ll never sugar-coat anything. Now, this video is less about The Acolyte and more about the culture war surrounding it. After Ghostbusters 2016, they felt we were all past this as human beings. A movie or show is good or bad based on the quality and nothing else. Mike saw the figurative streets set on fire after the “Lesbian Witch” episode and his curiosity was piqued. What is this? What’s all the fuss? Then there is the now famous "R2D2 is a lesbian" clip. NOW Mike is REALLY interested because he always considered R2D2 to be straight or maybe bi. All this madness stems from one thing tearing us all apart: Politics. Specifically identity politics. This show has become the figurative rope in a tug-of-war match between people that don’t want certain things in their Star War and people that do. Mike and Rich really don’t give two shits. They wanted to step back and look at this whole circus (note to editor: find more circus music) and comment on why it is happening now and what we all can do to prepare for the future (invest in canned foods and shotguns). We harbor no ill will towards anyone on the internet whose content we’ve referenced. From those that produce content complaining about The Acolyte and those that defend it. Everyone has a right to their ppinion and free speech on this topic and that includes us. We wanted to look at this whole situation, analyze it, discuss how we got here and possibly offer solutions. This world has become an unbearable nightmare and I want my ashes shot into a black hole. Part of me hopes that a huge solar flare from the sun reaches Earth and knocks out everything that runs on electricity. Then we can all then stop and listen to the sounds of nature. Get off social media for a while. See the beauty of this world we all share together... and then think about how fucking outrageous it is that they called R2D2 a lesbian!!!!!!



Great discussion. You guys are infinitely watchable.

Brian McKeon

It's interesting to me how there are now distinct generations of YouTubers. Been an RLM fan since the Prequel videos, but I only recently started watching Nerdrotic, Critical Drinker, and the like. I appreciate what they do and find their takes on modern entertainment cathartic. But after less than a year or so of watching them, I'm reminded why I stopped watching the TV news years ago: it's mentally exhausting. People spewing negativity into the world through their cameras day after day after day. It's so much healthier to just opt-out. But of course YouTubers are incentivized to pump out the negativity because that's what gets the clicks and generates the revenue. I'm not even saying they're wrong to be critical about the dreck that Hollywood produces. Just that the "critical content culture" of YouTube ensures way more heat than light. I think y'all are wise to chart your own course away from these folks. I get so much more enjoyment watching Mike, Jay, and Rich Evans play Bloodhound Gang/Marilyn Manson trivia than I do from the ever-growing list of *hours* long videos detailing why the latest Star Wars thing is the new worst thing ever™. Speaking of this latest generation, you guys *really* triggered them with your Acolyte video. ;-)