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Hey everyone! Get ready for a double feature of re:Views Regarding Rich™.  First up, Jay and Rich re:Visit the 1980 live action Popeye movie starring Robin Williams and inexplicably directed by 1970s auteur Robert Altman. If you've never seen it before, it's...strange. That's almost done editing and should be out real soon. Also shot is a re:View with Mike and Rich discussing the first half season of a current streaming sci fi fantasy show that does not have any controversy or anger around it at all and has a very normal fanbase. Coming soon!!


Jeremy _

I have long had an idea for like a 'Star Wars Methadone' pack for people. "Here, take this, it'll help wean you off that bad, bad stuff." So far, I've decided it'll include: Dune, the Fifth Element, The Last Starfighter, Spaceballs. What else? (EDIT: I had real hopes for John Carter (of Mars) but alas...)


Ah cool I‘t say that could be interesting.

Elizabeth Thompson

Normal fan base and streaming sci-fi don’t belong in the same sentence…unless you’re talking about (insert your favorite streaming sci-fi show here)

Lance Pendergrass

I'm trying to find my copy of Space Cop: Director's Cut? Hello?