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Sorry for the lack of updates. We've all been busy with our own stuff etc, but slowly getting back to work. Rich and Jay shot a review today and some other stuff in the works, but LOOK! After three coats of liquid latex the salt vampire is alive again.... sort of... the final steps I might save for our upcoming documentary, but clearly the next steps are paint, hair, teeth. IT WILL LIVE AGAIN!!!!



Jeremy _

Guys, I have held off watching your ST: Picard reviews because I hadn't seen the series yet. Well now I have and I have to say: I love you very much but I cannot agree. Season 2 is a little weak but Season 1 I really liked. Yes, you're right JJ Abrams doesn't know how space works but in general: it's good, actually. Season 3 we can agree was just straightforwardly good.

Elizabeth Thompson

That’s a “very handsome”mold, but it’s much more than 25 years old

Lance Pendergrass

I heard in the Space Cop: Directors Cut they digitally alter the plant to look like a cartoon plant. And the alien masks are digitally altered to look like Halloween store masks.