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Friends. I've made a lot of stuff over the years and I can't find this answer on the google. What Plinkett review did I mention the blurring effect? That graph that expanded over time as more media sources increased and the collective culture became more blurry? I can take a screen grab of this. Was it Titanic review? I can't remember.

Please make dementia jokes now.

p.s. I don't really have dementia I'm just lazy.





Mike I love you

Dylan Foster

Fix my VCR already


Can I get a signed vcr for my kids Disney collection?


Mike, I'm sorry to say that from what my team has observed we're counting down via that time honoured medical practice, the Drinking Game, you have a month before it's all just a slurry.

Digital Demigod

I can't forgive you for kidnapping my mom, keeping her tied up in that basement, and then making her watch prequel garbage. Her ordeal is why I am also fucked up in the head. And it's also weird that she's like 20 years younger than I am. See? I'm fucked up. Thanks.