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So i ordered Interceptor Force on DVD right after the episode was shot. A brand new DVD arrived on the day I had finished the edit. I figured it'd probably look pretty shitty too. 4x3 washed out... Was it really worth replacing EVERY clip...? BOY WAS I WRONG! Even upscaled from the window boxed version looks much better. And this is a crummy DVD!!!! Not even a Blu Ray!!! Anyone who has any love of the VHS format is insane. I like it when we find weird, old stuff, but this shit VHS looks like a dump. I did a quick comparison video so everyone can see Interceptor Force as the director truly wanted it to look... I'm so so sorry I didn't take the time to add in the proper clips. I will carry the weight of this with me to my grave.


d0nkatron 5000

We need a sequel to the Enemy Mine Re:View apology scene for this travesty.


LITERALLY watching the Interceptor Force discussion right now

Daniel McLeod

Some people like looking at dumps and those people also like John Waters


Wow! That’s a hell of a difference!! Neat


Okay so it went from looking like shit to looking like crap, don't sweat it

Jacob A. Wright

That looks downright watchable now

Joey LaCorte

Well now I feel insane I almost like the shit VHS look with the low budget effects. Kinda masks it. But what do I know, I'm an idiot. But that picture quality is a giant jump for a DVD.


The VHS version seems like someone went to a Kinkos and photocopied every frame and then filmed themselves flipping through it on a camcorder.

Chihuahua Apologist

There are some movies that rely on the crunchiness of a VHS tape to look acceptable. Teenage Hooker Became Killing Machine comes to mind. Otherwise it's just a tragedy that deepens with time.

Jared Diamond

It goes from looking like a shitty straight to VHS release to looking mildly competent! That's insane!

Tim Bronkhurst

If only we had known this was actually a great movie


Is this AI upscaling stuff? Been a lot of interesting work in that front lately, that's how they did Plumbers Don't Wear Ties.

Jay Murray

This is a travesty to behold, this community will never recover

Dave Chin

While I agree, in regards to the quality difference, for the purposes of this, I prefer whatever is the version/transfer that you guys were watching for the episode.


I looked up the ending to The Baby so I don't have to watch it.

Matt Ford

VHS was the shits. The jump to DVD was mind blowing at the time


I have a lot of nostalgia for VHS, but picture and sound quality is really bottom of the barrel.


The fraudery I've come to expect


Modern screens do VHS no favors, same with old games. Old tube TVs weren't good, but it for this sort of thing it was just right

Dilon Hunter

Wow, that’s actually an absurdly decent looking DVD

Chad M Jones

I can experience garbage in high def

David Given

The only problem is that the DVD's got the same film on it! At 0:40 you can even see the camera equipment reflected in their sunglasses...

David Given

Wait. Did they convert it to widescreen by cropping the 4:3 image? That's... so wrong...


Hey guys, how is the editing going for the new video? : 'Everybody' got aids n shit'

Brett Norman

Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.

Frazzled Doo

Thanks man, neeto’ comparison.. don’t forget how shit the old tv in the basement was.. fucking pink burnout cathode tube’s on dead granma’s giant wooden inheritance from the 60’s!

Darth Arterius

Actually looks like a movie. Ya know... more than one would expect Interceptor Force can.