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Happy October everyone! First off, thanks for the continued support here on Patreon! We really appreciate it. We never would have expected it to go over this well and we're trying to evenly distribute the money across all our various projects. October's looking to be a pretty busy month. There's a Best of the Worst that should be finished being edited soon. Plus we want to do another Halloween episode again this year. We may also be filming an additional episode with another special guest. Also, if everything works out schedule-wise, we're hoping to get most of the final chunk of Space Cop filming done before the end of the month! Hopefully everything works out there.



Sounds great.


Please guys make more Plinkett videos. I enjoy all of your other content but nowhere near as much as I enjoy the Plinkett vids. I have watched all of your current Plinkett videos to a point where I can almost quote them all verbatim including your commentary tracks. You still have the whole Twilight series you have alluded to doing *nudge nudge*


There is a Plinkett review in the works, but we won't have the time to really focus on it until Space Cop is done shooting, which will hopefully be soon.


Be sure to include several loud noises in your Halloween episode so I can get the same experience as when watching Paranormal Activity thank you


Glad to hear about the Halloween episode. Those are a hell of a lot of fun and make Halloween even better. Also glad to hear about a new Plinkett review in the pipeline. And NO! No more jump scares! *points at the monitor and screams*


Glad to support a great independent company. Even if you are just a bunch of hack frauds.


I'm glad I can support the site. I've been enjoying your videos for many years and they have just gotten better. The last few BOTW were fantastic (Jimmy and Collin are a blast) and the Samurai Cop interview was fun. I also enjoy the random stuff like the Kids jokes. So yeah...you have my ongoing support. :D


Glad to support you. Are there any Plinkett reviews in the pipe? I'd still love some Matrix trilogy analysis. I'm sorta tired of hearing the old voices in my head complain about it.


Sounds like October is going to be a good month for RLM. Everyone remember to send in just a few more Nukie tapes.


DEFINITELY require another Halloween BOTW. Fun times.


Have you been doing editing and filming of Space Cop simultaneously? Or are you doing all the filming first, then editing afterward? Maybe you guys are so awesome that you're editing first, then filming afterward.


Glad to support you guys! Can't wait to see what you guys have down the pipeline.


A step up in earnings from that VCR repair business

Daniel Sloane

So I've never edited a full-length movie, but it seems reasonable to assume that editing Space Cop will take no longer than a weekend, and that the DVDs will be released a couple days after that. I can't wait! I know what I'm giving Grandma for Thanksgiving!