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Hey everyone! We're currently working on a new Best of the Worst. It's a standard 3 movie episode and it features one of the unironically BEST movies we've ever done on the show! Maybe THE best movie. Everyone liked it except for Rich, who was incredibly creeped out and uncomfortable through the whole thing.



Hopefully all the tapes/dvds worked this time. I have been pining for mini monkey magical music something fierce.

Joshua Cubbin

But you already watched California Big Hunks


I assume it involves a director who likes women having seizures on dirty floors if it creeped Rich out and Mike loved it ;)


I know a lot of people are hoping for another Donald Farmer flick but that guys just a pervert. I'm personally hoping for another A+ idea from David Wascabbage. I think they said at one point they had a bunch of his "movies"...