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Hello friends, this is about 8 minutes of totally off-topic stuff I had to cut out for a number of reasons. However, you as Patreons can watch Colin's wonderful Beatles impressions. Hear Rich Evans awful laughter. And find out what two celebrities Jay confuses in his own warped mind. Enjoy!


Nick Schueren

Just when i was getting productive at work...

Jerry Strickland

I thought Ringo Bono was one of Jay's favorite bands.

Amanda B.

Happy 20th Birthday, by the way!

Allison PM

Paul has Ringo saved in his phone as gentleman who plays the drums.

Sean LaVista

Now this is why i pay for the Patreon!!! Great clip boys!!

Emilio Flores

The good die young....no wonder Shatner will outlive them all

Daniel Frank

Walter Koenig was in the 1976 Shatner Columbo episode and tells a story of their being on a trolley going to lunch together and Shatner doesn’t say anything to him. Koenig throws in “He probably didn’t remember my name.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2PxhS7pL7u4

Daniel Frank

If John Lennon foresaw Peter Jackson, that explains why the “Beatles do the Lord of the Rings” movie fell through!

Michael Schmidt

This is better than the actual episode!

Heather Faller

Fantastic gift for us on RLM's 20th anniversary!

Pete Michaelson

That video with Shatner and Koenig has always been incredibly uncomfortable for me to watch; it’s beyond The Office level of cringe for me.

Pete Michaelson

Shatner is a dick, no question about it. But I will admit that I forget people’s names, even when I’ve worked with them for a long time…if there’s a gap in my interactions with them my mind will purge their names and it’s terribly embarrassing for me sometimes.

Tom McGraw

these outtakes are excellent

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

This is the best outtakes post I can remember. Colin is a treasure. Put him in a vat of restorative Canadian maple syrup when he dies so the world can have him forever.

Bort Ward

So this leads to the obvious question: When are we getting a "Beatles vs. Bloodhound Gang" trivia video?

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

I feel like that might be juuuuuust a tad too easy. Does the Bloodhound Gang have any lyrics that could possibly be mistaken for anyone but similar artists? That's a genuine question. I was in high school when they were apparently a thing, but I had never even heard of them until RLM brought them up. And it's not like I was going to a private school. And I played on the ice hockey team. I seems like I should have heard about them at *some* point. EDIT: Wait I just looked them up and apparently I wasn't in high school yet when Bloodhound Gang was popular. Now I'm very confused by the aesthetics of their videos.

Daniel Frank

In the video above, Koenig acknowledges that the Columbo was filmed between the Trek show and the movies.

Jason Wineinger

That was the most awkward Shatner clip I think I've seen and that's saying a lot