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Okay, recently I was digging around through some old hard drives and I went down a rabbit hole of old stuff. I *think this might be on youtube? I laughed. I might start uploading more random weird things and old Rich Evans beats up a doll videos. Why not eh?


Sean Kirby

Heineken? Fuck that shit!


More old videos of Rich beating up dolls and other inanimate objects, please, Krebs!!


Now I want a Pabst Blue Ribbon 🍺😉

Zachary Marsh

I don’t know why, but I have a hankering for a Pabst Blue Ribbon with a side of murder today. Happy Passover!

Giorgi Ukleba

Heineken?! Fuck that shit! PABST BLUE RIBON!


Escalated far beyond what I was expecting

Mike St Louis

Are these the adventures of young Mr Plinkett?

Daniel McLeod

Is this on that RedLetterMedia assorted DVD you used to sell? I know I've seen it before. My main memory of it is the collection of shorts of Rich Evans sitting on a couch.


Yes, this has been on YouTube for years now. I have shared it with a few dozen friends, at least since 2015. Classic! Ad #2 is 100x better, though.

Bright Anderson

Classic! If I remember correctly, there's a second one set to the scene where our protagonist shoots a woman in the back after she rejects his greasy advances.

Michael Cisco

Don Dohler missed his calling!


I will be cheering when more Rich Evans beating up dolls videos reach the Youtubes. Thank you, Krebs Gorlon!

James Sawyers

My papaw used to drink PBR with his eggs every morning. Last we saw him he was wandering in to the woods with his ripped undershirt, double barrel in tow. I still miss him.

James Baxter

I'm white trash and I'm in trouble!

Notorious HDP

I was expecting Rich Evans beating up a doll, but this was a total surprise. Perfectly edited.

Julia Huffman

I have seen this before somewhere in the murky depths of YouTube, but will gladly watch again as I watch all of your videos an embarrassing amount of times.


shit - now *I* got Pabst Blue Ribbon on my mind...

T. Lars

This accurately represents the PBR experience

Pressley Press

What will the hipsters say?!?!? Won’t someone think of the hipsters?!?!

Jason McDonald

Brillant video! More! Please! More!

A. Alexandridis

I'm gonna make PBR out of your testicles

Steven Kress

What movie are these clips from?


My pawpaw had a BIG 'ol chin! (Someone please get this reference)


Heineken??? Fuck Heineken! PABST. BLUE. RIBBON.

Amanda B.

This actually makes me want to drink Pabst now.


This made my day. I look forward to more oldies but goodies.

Sam Garland

You just made my day.

Gary A Venema

I could really go for a cold PBR now. Thanks!


You're not a REAL PBR aficionado unless you're wearing a torn "wife-beater".


Bah. They give you an undershirt, but it doesn't even have pit stains.....what's the point then?!?


this is incredible, keep em coming!

Brian E. Lindstrand

You ever notice how Rich Evans and George Stover are never seen together? Just sayin'.

Marvin Falz

Love this! I remember when Krebs posted this originally. That was back in the 50s or 60s, when we were young. And we were looking for the deep kick.

Zachary Heil

Damnit, this actually makes me laugh and hits me in the feels at the same time. Dad drank that shit every single day , though he never tried shooting us. I think he'd appreciate this.

Disinterested Handjob

American beers. Might as well drink water with a dash of cat piss.


I want Rich Evans to lose a fight with a chair like in Gummo

Christopher Lewis

I guess if you're talking about our mega breweries, like Pabst... but the US has undoubtedly one of the best micro brew cultures in the world.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Yes yes yes please do a regular "Red Letter Media Archives" video series for us patrons. That would be so awesome! And also a DS9 Re:View :)

Allison PM

Mmm. This reminds me of being broke and drunk 15 years ago.

Gar Kelleher

Genius! If only I had seen this ad on the TV growing up..I would still be an alcoholic. Instead I'm a lousy reformed alcoholic with a wonderful home and family.

Tom McGraw

this is amazing


Upload it all!

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Haha like me you must have gotten all your drinking and partying out of your system between the ages of fifteen and twenty. I became an old man before I reached legal drinking age. I just want to relax, enjoy my tea, and get those damn kids off my lawn with all their raps. Crosswords are a lot more difficult after a big spliff, but watching the NHL playoffs sure isn't!


if you're posting these post where's deathlist and united states of nooo PLEASE

Sammy Allouba

Took me a minute to realize this wasn't real. It seemed legit, given that it's Pabst.


Oh ya! Now I remember why I stopped going to family reunions! PBR on my mind!

Rick Moen

Love these!!!

Erik Sheedlo

I had no idea they filmed my family breakfast.


BotW with that singing guy... Car man or something??

