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Some cut bits from our latest episode! Too wild for YOUTUBE! Now, if you didn't know our friend from Canada is in town for a very special breening... whoops! I mean screening! Did I say breening?!?! HOT PISS!? After he leaves Jay and Mike will have FOUR edits in the editing bay to work on. And that doesn't count a big shoot coming up later in April. I know we've been dormant for a while (like a virus) but alas we'll be back soon with a vengeance like a nasty case of herpes. I have brain herpes (only known case) so every so often I say weird and disgusting things, but I have a doctors note you shitbrains so I can say whatever I want. I have brain herpes and they be acting up! GET READY BARFBAGS! - Krebs Gorlon



Excuse me, that’s Mrs. Barfbag to you.




Knew it was only a matter of time before the boys got to the latest Breen disaster

Allison PM

That’s some hot piss! Scalding!

Benjamin Forman IV

Only my Mom gets to call me a barfbag. And only my priest gets to call me a shitbrain. You'll have to get Breen's permission to do so.

Ryan King

Barfbag? Don't you mean fartbag? You hack! (laughs to self). Got him! Am I right fellas?...

Andrew Stickman

You could paint the table red! Get Doja Cat to come help you! Not sure if you’ll get that reference…

Frazzled Doo

Fuckin.. wuh.. global warming hid the coldwar all these years.


Mr. Krebs, will you be my dad? I asked Neil Breen, but he claimed he was already the father of every living being in the universe before vanishing into a kaleidoscopic flash of light.

Amanda B.

How does one contract brain herpes, Mr. Gorlon?

Alex Brown

Why do I feel like Jack used White Out on his old Escapist contract, and then realized last minute that he couldn't tell anybody.


Was hoping for more discussion about woods porn shenanigans but guess I'll have to settle for a few RBC mentions. Thanks for all the content you beautiful herpes infested hacks.

Jake Martin

Yay Colin! But no more Jim? I miss Jim :(

Bill Wilson

Damn, those hot takes about the cold war straight out of Lyme's disease. I can't wait for the quiz version.


Mike is so goth


Everyone knows that Rich will be the last one standing. At age 77, it’ll just be him and Jack, and so they decide to bring back Pre-Rec. On their first live stream back, Jack dies on camera. Rich doesn’t notice for 40 minutes.


don't you know? they appear in 101 wacky kid jokes w kids

Jimmy Rode

Rich looks like he wants to push Mike off a cliff in Minecraft. Like that's what I imagine he looks like if you showed him a sad movie. That being said, watching a sad movie can be extremely cathartic. Beats the hell out of endlessly thinking about death.