Singing together (Patreon)
You've already seen the gorgeous artwork of Malkhur'Zhal made by Fyre before 👀
He has become much more relevant in our story to the point we can say Fyre and Malkhur are different aspects of the same character-entity.
In the far future Malkhur is the one best resonanting with Alita and he will become her new "main" mate ❤️
(Amkaryans do have a different perceiving of relationships from us, every relationship is considered on its own and isn't compared to the other ones, but let's say "main" to grasp a more human-like concept).
I never talked about Alita's original species ability to speak: if you'll ever met an Azurian dragon all you will hear are noises similar to birds singing. That's their way to communicate!
Needless to say (unlike me) they are great singers. Amkaryans are pretty similar on this aspect.
I'd love to imagine these two singing together with Alita's clear and high voice together with the deep tone of Malkhur. ✨
Also, #100sketches Number 12!