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Uh oh....

Alcohol from around the globe? What could possibly go drunk?

Edited by Jess.




This is gonna be aids. I can't wait


Suomi mainittu, torille

Gus Donnelly

You guys need to fly in some bitches


Im piss and shitted.


YESSSSSS woohoooo!!! im so excited for this


thank u boys for doing argentina!! after the first vid i tried to get fernet shipped to y'alls PO box but it was prohibited </3

Jake Poggiali

Thanks boys been waiting


Extended is spelt wrong on the post pls fix I will scream

J Lyle

Jess is a G for turning down the screaming 🙏


whoever doin the subtitles needs to stop taking up the whole screen when they make a noise man

Malainey Davison

When did Scott become such a menace?


The British can't be more self deprecating than Americans. I should know.


Love how max likes to blame Scott's "mind games" for his retardation

J Lyle

If when log?

An Kangaroo

Saw this in my yt feed and knew I had to save it for the patreon release. Did NOT disappoint


Why the fuck does max look scary ??? his eyes look pitch black in the beginning. like he had contact lenses on LMAO . or is this the high quality of the videos of patreon. idk its my first month here.

Zac Kear (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 01:52:50 I swear each video that passes Max looks more and more de-evolved. Chad just gets fatter.
2023-12-10 07:03:46


Waaat , he’s literally losing heaps of weight I reckon. And max is bulking up. They look sexccc

Zac Kear

This was a joke, I agree with you tho Chad do be looking thinn

Jayden B

Max got mega sloshed


I see one of them neo-nazareths


Haha fuck yeah the French shoutout hahahaha 🇫🇷

Jacob Wynne

It's a shame they has to drink Buckfast. Our local beers are great maybe I should send some to apologise for the rancid beverage that is buckfast


can't wait for the 2023 cold ones tier list vid


Oh someone gotta do some shit with these greenscreens


Guys you're supposed to drink pastis mixed with water that's how we do it in France




Next time u buy something in estonia, Buy "Lauaviin" and mix it with "Limpa Limonaad". Its basically like a 7 dollar vodka mixed with a one dollar lemonade.

Bob Ross

Hope they feel better now, I honestly feel bad for them at some points


Hey this is me giving you one last warning. I am part mafia You will REVIEW? Albania. You know what to do...

Tyler McCann

How much longer until Grog is available in the U.S? 😔

Jacob Lassiter

Max’s face when he realizes the drink is grog 😂

Jack Noire

lmao you guys cut like 90% of darcy appearances on the main upload


Patiently waiting for the boys to try Everclear. Only good things happen when you drink Everclear


i really loved the editing on this video 😭😭 shout out to the editor please!!! the boys also did amazing keeping up as always <3



Ben Collins

Man, imagine Chad of all people saying "Americans are stupid"

Herr Schnitzel

deez wallabies do be getting krunked doe


live footage from the cockpit of September 11th 2001


theres more sand in australia than in mexico, and yes, we mexicans are yellow


Hey guys, German alcoholic here to disagree with thevideoman12. I grew up in the countryside so I know my stuff. No one would ever drink pure Korn, unless they're all out of money and options. One of the most popular bewerages among the youth of south-west Germany is made from Korn (or its double distilled version Doppel-Korn), vodka, cheap iced tea (powder or granules) and water (dm me for a recipe). Depending on the mix that's really strong, really easy to drink and insanely cheap since you get alot per bottle of korn and vodka. But I suppose drinking pure Berentzen Korn (very frowned upon brand choice btw) suits a "worst local alcohol" experience. By far the best alcohol Germany has to offer is its beer. There's nothing like a good beer from a Bavarian brewery out there, I'll bet you 10 bucks even Max would like it (again: dm me for recommendations/shipping some to Australia). Fun fact to round this off: Jägermeister comes from Germany


Unpopular opinion: I prefer when the extended cuts are released a day after the originals. I've been not watching the Youtube versions because I'd watch these ones and it was more entertaining when we'd see the short cut before seeing the longer one. To me it makes the unseen elements much more thrilling to watch. Just my 2 cents.


Max sayin he thinks Notch is from Finland when there is literally a song called Sweden in the soundtrack for Minecraft gave me brain damage


Bro when is Rowan Bean coming on the podcast?


as a finnish was suprised to see my beloved koskenkorva salty liquorice here haha, literal alcoholic candy n was the first thing i got blackout drunk on xD


Did you hear about the Chinese godfather? He made an offer they couldn't understand.


Watching them take off with subtitles on killed me 🤣

Emre Raven

when will grog come to the UK :((((((

Brianna Crews

I need the new patron very badly

Brianna Crews

I pick and choose the last episode you posted wanted me to watch it

Kayleigh Riddell

in scotland we call buckfast, Bucky

Amber ✨

The charm of the extended eps really is the arguing back and forth about what the video is supposed to be / look like as they're recording the video

Amber ✨

I always watch the youtube one first and then come here to see the extended. It's like the youtube version is the trailer for me and this is the directors cut.


You should try Kindschi Bündner Röteli Likör, those are fuxking good 👌👌🇨🇭🥃🚬

Bartek Krzem

try soplica or Żubrówka from poland where vodka is from we claim that shit


guys these people might be drunk

Big Chungous

You should try the worst made American liquors, starting with Taka tequila LOL


In the future try the "Piscola" from Chile where you mix Pisco with Coca Cola, good shit


When it's windy in the desert, the dust makes the air turn a yellow-y hue around sunset. That's why Mexico is iconically yellow.


I subscribe to this patreon because I love Chad and Max, Scott, Darcy, everyone from Rowey to Silas. But I want my money to go the editors who make these videos digestible to the common audience. Every one of you are legends. 🤍


Peru and Chile both claim Pisco is their national drink but Peruvian Pisco is objectively better

ogwiji is bae

Buckfast for UK? Not Gin, Whiskey or Manx spirit


Chad - “what’s a mosque”. Max - …”like… a fucking mosque”