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I need a man to stretch me out. 



Joji tore his balls off?


dont we all?


Anyone else fart while watching


I can only dream of being stretched out😩


Need audio version jeff


just drink meal replacement shake ez


chicken slice sandwich on bread


Why do i even pay for this patreon i have only watched one video....

Gus Donnelly

Ah yes the perfect background noise for driving around in need for speed

Hayley Avis

I just make extra of whatever I'm having for dinner and eat it for breakfast #lifehack


Hullo! Does anyone know why none of the sober eps are castable but the other videos are? They don't have the cast button on them for some reason


Breakfast tip, freezer breakfast burrito. Very easy in the morning. Joshua Weissman has a nice recipe


I think Darcy should try having a good glass of water


i have aids boss


Less edits please boys xxx

Ramen Devil

Bacon egg and cheese sandwhich, peak breakfast, pretty quick to make


Tin spaghetti

Noah Stanton

Some French toast js good or maybe an omelette? Very nutritious and you can put whatever you want In there

Hugh Phardid

Bake a pan of 12 muffins on Sunday, then you've got two muffins a day for 6 days.

Derek Zeidler

Nutrisystem turkey sausage and egg sandwich is pretty bussin


Breakfast Muffins, have some sausages and scrambled egg with it if you're wanting for more.


Will you guys ever reupload the old vimeo stuff?

Blair Wesley

talk about what music yall listen to next




Take a piece of sourdough toast Slap some avocado on it Slap some cottage cheese on that Slap some chili oil on it It’s good


Max said like 3 words the whole pod


Ham and cheese toastie or salami and cheese toastie, quick and easy


Honestly ... love you guys XD always making my day XD gg

the big dog

no frog in a pot this week


Check out @toastedtable on IG for toast inspo!


It was like that for me for a bit I just restarted all my devices and it works again. Every once in a while it stops working again and I just fully restart all the devices


Yall gotta start writing down topics before you film. Because yall rarted


Darcy try breakfast burrito with egg and hash brown and churizo that shit yummy


Darcy eat a full English breakfast on the next episode


Bowl of crunchy nut

Jack Smart

Avo toast man

Chris B

Eat pant

cross hair

tomato salt pepper cheese on toast is lit or a crumpet with vegemite and butter

Colby Jones

Darcy, you need to get Hydrogen Peroxide. Some plant stores will sell it. You dilute it into water once a week/fortnight to kill the gnats without needing to change the soil and make sure you don’t overwater. Let the soul dry out


bread with hole in it and egg inside then cook on pan and season


Blend leftovers make smoothie

Tate McGrath

darcy eat deez, for those who dont know deez is high in nuts, hence why it is most commonly called, deez nuts


Darcy eat depleted uranium

Liam Davies

For brekky how about a chia seed pudding that you soak in almond milk overnight, then in the morning add some honey, toasted coconut flakes and some fruit and nuts. Is pretty good and you can get it all at woolies boss


Yeah I'm having the same issue, all the other vids work just not the sober ones. I've tried logging out, restarting phone and router but nothing seems to fix it.

3liott ☠

hey darcy you should eat eggs on toast (fucking delicious) i fr eat that every day and it’s so good just fry an egg and and put it on really good whole grain bread w butter and salt and pesto (i haven’t tried it w pesto but i imagine it’s real goog)

Riley Hemburrow

Fried eggs on bread with a hash brown and avo

Aidan McMenemy

I put 3 eggs and a fuck ton of spinach in a blender then cook up some green scrambled eggs. Then have that with 3 pieces of toast. Still a bit peckish after but I'll have my pre workout and hit the gym and the caffine kind of rounds it out


toast smell goog


Darcy should eat dinner for breakfast


like dis if u bip the rong to cold ones


I've gotten onto the overnight weetbix for breakfast personally

Joey K

If my neighbors did anything to my car, I would be kicking in their door with a butcher knife

Sage (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-30 13:40:02 do another patreon Q&A. be loose with which questions are chosen though, last time was too curated. just pick random ones or let us decide/vote for which should be answered.
2023-05-30 06:12:13 do another patreon Q&A. be loose with which questions are chosen though, last time was too curated. just pick random ones or let us decide/vote for which should be answered.

do another patreon Q&A. be loose with which questions are chosen though, last time was too curated. just pick random ones or let us decide/vote for which should be answered.


Darcy. 2 poached eggs on toast.

Johachim Gulstad

Darcy should eat rice crackers with salami for breakfast

Kai Ziarek

九了福奥攴勳我就, 是个男人很好吃饭🥰🥰🥰

Jack Noire

just eat raw oatmeal darcy bruh

Sasha K

can i perchase chad from colds ones

Sasha K


Fae Petersen

I eat protein bars for breakfast. Fast and easy. Wash it down with a red bull to balance the healthy with the unhealthy.

the king



Darcy meal prep breakfast burritos to freeze then heat up it fire


You want to get avocados that are almost black. Not green. Not completely black. Almost black.


This will turn your avocado use from a crapshoot into more consistent quality


Darcy needs obama beans


could we maybe get these as audio only as well? i listen while i’m at work and the playback has some issues when i listen to the video sometimes.

DFawlt Uzr

Hey Darcy, I recommend breakfast burritos/wraps. You can make them in bulk and freeze them and warm them up later. I do all kinds of combinations to keep it new for me, like egg+cheese+protein, bean+cheese, egg+potato+meat, etc.


you guys should get the chats on


Granola and yogurt? That’s a good breakfast. Or maybe breakfast burrito.


Please drop an audio only version, I can only listen while I'm in the car and video playback while the screen is locked is buggy on patreons app

Phil Gillis

Please have Shane Gillis on, i would fully cum


you can use it on an a browser and close it while still listening bro


what I did was download it, transfer the file to my phone and listen in the car on a big hour long drive. Cheers for the idea btw.


Lava rock and almond milk kind of guy.

camman Rogers (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-06 21:22:57 man darcy is funny as shit lol! but chop up sone peppers and mushrooms, keep em in a tup, fry em up with some eggs and throw it in bread or a tortilla and that will serve ya well. takes about ten min. <3
2023-06-06 19:00:45 man darcy is funny as shit lol! but chop up sone peppers and mushrooms, keep em in a tup, fry em up with some eggs and throw it in bread or a tortilla and that will serve ya well. takes about ten min. <3

man darcy is funny as shit lol! but chop up sone peppers and mushrooms, keep em in a tup, fry em up with some eggs and throw it in bread or a tortilla and that will serve ya well. takes about ten min. <3

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-06 21:22:57 I reckon just eat whatever you would usually eat for lunch or dinner at breakfast. E.g chicken &amp; egg sandwich, bolognese, fish &amp; chips. Then just double up on a meal at that time or skip a meal
2023-06-06 19:09:51 I reckon just eat whatever you would usually eat for lunch or dinner at breakfast. E.g chicken & egg sandwich, bolognese, fish & chips. Then just double up on a meal at that time or skip a meal

I reckon just eat whatever you would usually eat for lunch or dinner at breakfast. E.g chicken & egg sandwich, bolognese, fish & chips. Then just double up on a meal at that time or skip a meal


Darcy funny as always. Scott is chill and Max is meme. Oi Chad, I'ma just come out and say it; you were a next level insufferable shitcunt on this episode. LOL, like a fucking ADHD kid who was several doses late on his Ritalin.


darcy is so funny man


Man patreons video playback SUCKIE man




Oatmeal Darcy?

Elly May

yogurt wit da cornflake

Jessii Chuu

i fucking hate fungus gnats too darcy

