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Here is extended dumbass Child Games extended cut. 

A few games that didn't make the cut plus us showing you how we faked one of them with genius editing. 


We have a Patreon Q & A Video going Live in the next couple days, and the extended buying dog shit ads video is going up soon, we had some corrupted files so still waiting to get them fixed. 


Beau .

An Eminem you say

Sedona Celeste

that poo looks like King JellyBean from Rick and Morty.. you know.. the guy that tried to rape Morty in that bathroom 😭😭

Samuel James

Let’s goooooooo my balls itchg


Thanks fuckers


Fackkk yeeee


there are hairs on my dick and they itch a lot

Jesus Gonzalez

Finally, childrens games being played by adults for my entertainment

Petro Dominguez

Bruh this came out 2 weeks ago and we're finally getting it


max thinking of how to make the egg game as fucked as possible felt like an insight as to what him designing the deadly twisters was like


We should be getting it before youtube


Looking forward to the next vids. Hopefully the q&a is nice and long.

Colum Mcclorey

Can’t wait fo dat Q&A bby !!! I

Alexander Wittich

Hey guys, where is the fiverr music extended cut? I'd love to see that one.

Jack Noire

put an m&m down chad's cock

Keegan M

That peeing pup game was made by R Kelly.


how is everything weeks behind, like i don't wanna watch the longer version weeks after I watched the original


Anyone else notice Max rubbing the dog pussy with his pinky?? 😂

Michael McFarland

I actually completely disagree, it’s nice to see the edited version with everyone else, then have some time to forget the specifics before I watch the full cut


video is broken i keep getting a refresh error

Noah White

Not to be rude but I want to be passed around that office like a bong

Ben Is

it's actually really sweet how encouraging they are to each other


Editor fell off. I don’t pay extra to see a red “NO.” When Max and Chad ask for something to be edited in.


I wish I could just kiss ye lads

Noah A

Yeah sorry boys love ya but I'm probably gonna unsubscribe to your Patreon except for once a year for one month to watch the one video a month, on average, that you put out. Just not worth it for the level of effort put in and the infrequency of uploads.

Tyler McAuliffe

Who designed the coolshirtz website? I like their work and all of it's interactivity

Tyler McAuliffe

Bruv it's literally $5, and the tag is just "Buy us a drink" I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they want you to do anyways...

Doctor Improbable

Just an idea lads... Deadly Twister 3? Guest stating Jimmy Beast, Chris the Meme God and Belle Delphine...

Oskar Reynolds

Where’s the pottery extended? I can’t find it I wanna see chad shove his cock into clay


I want pull my finger at the start of the next vid!

hampus lind

can someone please make a mod or something for minecraft where its chads sounds in the game




I'm doing a social experiment; I have arthritis


this one made me want to buy the eggedon game, honestly couldn't care less if they "cheat" its great content

dirty hobo

i have massive aids waiting for the pie face thing to go off