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Hello Suckers,

Here is the edited and extended Cameo that got ass fucked and age restricted on YouTube, a lot of deleted requests that never made the cut and a couple cameos that we got but never included in the video.

Thanks for the money and enjoy the extended hell.


Scott, Max, Chad, Prezoh & Our new Patreon editor Ryan!

Ps: We just watched the extended cut and understand why so many cameo requests never came back lol


Northstar L.J.

Rip Gilbert I was said to see his cameos they were hilarious he was so funny rip big guy


19:49 *surprise joi"


First comment


Name jeff


When we getting the down the wormhole vid max and chad thought up a few months ago 🤔

Bjørn Melbøe

Aww, you guys should definitely smoke beers just like LA Beast did. Smoking fumes of alcohol, getting drink without drinking grog. You could drink the Gamer Jizz or whatever. Nice.

harhen caleb

LOL love you guys too funny can’t wait to tell my close friends about the cold ones Patreon 😂😂😂

Noah White

Fucking, legendary bros. My pussy is yours


What a legend, wholesome chungus

Gus Donnelly

You guys fell UP! Loving the hard work to re-up old content and the new content!

Noah White

I know you guys are working hard right now do you know when the fiverr videos will be on patreon? Those are my favorites, that Scooby doo video fucks me up every time


finally skeen recorging


wtf Gilbert Gottfried just died guess there will be no more gems from him


Rip Gilbert 😢


Rest in peace Gilbert, you were my favorite part of the cameo videos.

Noah A

R.I.P. Gilbert. Absolute comedy legend. He will be sorely missed but will forever be remembered, partly in thanks to you guys, as one of the funniest people to have ever lived.

Abby Smith

RIP Gilbert! always was the best part of the cameo vids


Came to watch this after i heard the news about Gilbert RIP

Drew Byron

RIP Gilbert, he was quite the funny bloke


RIP Gilbert he was such a perfect Cameo celebrity! But man the Donald trump look a like was so good


That was fucking amazing

Richard Brown

Gilbert never made it onto cold ones☹️


I have aids. Do you want to buy my aids? https://www.buyaidshere/


The Asian boss ladies were so funny HAHHAA


RIP Gilbert, classic episode

Dallas Hunt

i am the cumlord!