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I’ve been putting in some thoughts about my webcomic and how I wanted to move forward with it. I think you might have noticed I have hardly posted anything about it in the past few months, and after some deep thoughts and thorough rewrites, I felt like the comic and my skills weren’t at the level of quality they could be.

I was also concerned that since this comic is being started ahead of time, I didn’t want people to basically watch my progress and then possibly wait a year for the next update. I was also pretty worried about leaks and all that given I have a lot of heavy spoilers near the beginning of the story.

For now I’m going to remove any benefits related to my webcomic, and stick to continuing providing the content yall are used to by now

I’m sure this won’t upset too many people, I’m aware many people are here for my regular content and nsfw works, and that’s totally fine! Whatever reason you support me is good. But from now and moving forward, I want to focus on this and continue keeping my comic under wraps . Thank you for reading ❤️



It's alright, don't do yourself more trouble and stay on what you really enjoy doing without stressing, we love what you do so keep up the good work! 🤗