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How did we go nearly 300 episodes without discussing the works of Jean Rollin?

Join us for a chat on Rollin's Fascination and an introduction to the French Fantasique! 





aw yeah jean rollin! enjoyed this a lot - to add, i've wondered if lesbianism and female vampirism specifically go together in that neither group's sexual practices result in children, i.e. these are women who can't (or won't) fulfil their roles as "women". in that sense, there is always something lesbian about the female vampire; the sex she indulges in is only ever for pleasure, which flies in the face of her "purpose" in the patriarchal order. it's not procreative, so, by definition, it's excessive, like carmilla literally bathing in blood in her tomb. and re: anaemia, yes, the queer and erotic connotations are there, but more troubled, i think. the anaemic woman is listless, sickly, drained of vitality - she is not maternal, not life-giving. what lucy westenra needs to have "put inside" her is not just blood, but men's blood; that is, a failed woman can be "corrected" and revitalised by a man (or several) with access to her (passive and empty) body. which is also the "logic" behind many lesbophobic hate crimes, ofc - the woman who can't/won't perform reproductive labour must either be turned back into a "real" woman or destroyed.


....wow i am sorry for that very long comment.