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It's Hot. It's Summer. It's time for FLORIDIAN CINEMA DISCOURSE!

What if Gilligan’s Island, but the consequences of post-war geopolitics? We're talking Shock Waves, the political topology of the sea, and all the horror's under the sun.

So, sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip, that started from this tropic port aboard this tiny consequence of governments absorbing Nazi leaders post-WWII.

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i'm so grateful for this entire episode—because i have seen Shock Waves but almost never hear it discussed—but i must thank you especially for this concept of the "de-historicization" of the fascist threat through the occult and the supernatural in cinema. if you'll forgive a bit of a "synth" pun from a synth-pop musician: this is a fantastic synthesis of a film that i've seldom heard discussed, and i'm sincerely grateful for this episode. heartfelt thanks to you both! i also really love the term "ultra-sane" and had never heard it, so thank you so much for that one. <3